Skyrim Dwarven Weapons Pack

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Author: Double C

Last revision: 6 Oct, 2023 at 19:49 UTC

File size: 687.1 KB

On Steam Workshop


All one-handed weapons (Sword, Waraxe, Mace, and Dagger) require smithing to be researched, while the two-handed weapons (Greatsword, Battleaxe, and Warhammer) require long blades to be researched.

The balancing is mostly based off Rimworld and it’s similar weapons, however I did slightly alter them to align with Skyrim (Greatsword is fastest but lowest damage vs Warhammer which is slowest but highest damage). I will be balancing the weapons damage moving forward to more lore accurate to Skyrim.

All of these weapons are forged with a combination of steel and Gold for a pseudo dwarven ingot.

Check out the other Skyrim Weapons on my profile!

Should be CE compatible.

Can be added mid-save!

Feel free to donate on Ko-fi below, have a lovely day!


The Elder Scrolls intellectual property, including it’s names and items, all belong to ZeniMax media and it’s subsidiaries, including their studios. I do not claim any ownership to the name or brand of The Elder Scrolls.