Captain Noble Vanilla Retexture

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Author: The Blasphemer

Last revision: 20 Jun, 2019 at 20:38 UTC

File size: 37.89 KB

On Steam Workshop


Aight, very quickly:

1. But… but why though:

Two reasons! One’s a little more of personal tastes (that being I wanted my dumbass space cop Novakid to look swole). The second one on the other hand is more of a reasoning of "If the story heavy NPCs have custom sprites, while Captain Noble is just a generated regular NPC, that doesn’t seem very fair…" as he plays a role (if only a light one) in the story later down the line.

So I gave him a proper ‘sprite’ that is custom animated and at least a smidge different from the regular generated NPCs!

2. How, though?

By making a whole spritesheet (Referencing Lana Blake and Nuru to an extent) that is actually clothing items!

That idea in particular came from PvtSkittles’ "Play as NPCs" mod, and figured I could do the same! With some help from *Karate Chop Noises* (especially with checking on how i wrote the patch and correcting any mistake I made, bless you man) I was able to patch Captain Noble’s usual dress for the modded ‘clothing items’ to create the illusion of retexturing him!

I cried at least once spriting this please like it.

I should however note, that this doesn’t patch ‘Captain Ignoble’ of the Rowdy Peace Disturbers yet, so you’ll find a scrawny Noble wearing pair of Groucho Marx glasses instead.