Galaxy In Conflict: No Bleedin’ Crew

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Author: Rylasasin

Last revision: 11 Apr, 2022 at 01:41 UTC

File size: 5.12 KB

On Steam Workshop


Gives bleeding immunity to crew members. Vanilla, Frackin, and FFS based crew members are effected.

Why, though?

Because while players may be smart enough to use a medkit or bandage to stop themselves from bleeding when they get hit, NPCs are not, and since there’s no excessable way to stop crewmembers from bleeding (or at least one that doesn’t use up rare boss flasks and isn’t hard to get ahold of,) you end up in a situation where you either watch them stupidly bleed out to death like bumps on a log (especially since Frackin removes the invulnerable NPC bug, which sadly, also means your crew members can actually die) or you’re constantly healing them with the FFS red medkit or something similar with is incredibly annoying.

If GiC ever comes up with a mechanic that lets you share your medkits and/or bandages with people in a 5-block radius or something, I’ll remove this in leu of that. Untill then, this will have to do.

As this can (slightly) shift gameplay in your favor, I’ve classified this as a cheat.

I don’t play multiplayer, so don’t ask if this works for that.