More right-angle streets

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Author: nate.wilson

Last revision: 8 Jan, 2017 at 22:58 UTC

File size: 392.19 KB

On Steam Workshop


Experimental: Might ensure that every intersection of major streets has at least one right angle. …might not. Who knows.

This mod does not create a perfect grid every time. …but it may make town layouts a little less wonky.

Details of what this does

The base game configuration has a setting that randomizes the angle of new intersections by X degrees. In the code, the precise comment is…

angle within town major street directions are randomized (in degrees)

By default, X is set to 10 degrees. I think that means that when the town builds new major streets (medium, large but not small), it will set the angle of the intersection randomly between 80 and 100 degrees or perhaps 85-95 degrees (a total range of 10 degrees). This mod sets X to 0 so that every new intersection created by the town should have at least one right angle at 90 degrees. …hopefully.

Why just one right angle? It looks like the game builds towns around the highways which are the "main connections" that town authorities complain about between cities. Often, these highways are curved or have existing segments that meet with non-right-angles. As new streets "grow" off these curves or intersections, you might end up with a few sub-grids that inevitably must meet at some angle. As far as I can tell, the game is pretty good at getting at least 1 right-angle on each intersection but I haven’t done extensive testing. I marked some of these in blue for the screenshot above in which the mod is active.

Please chime in below if you determine any of my assumptions here are incorrect or have if you have other theories about how changing this setting impacts gameplay and town development.
