More Names

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Author: QWERTYww

Last revision: 20 Sep, 2023 at 22:09 UTC

File size: 1.01 MB

On Steam Workshop


A simple mod which currently adds more names to cities for each main culture type to decrease the amount of repeat city names (looking at YOU, Syado-Turr).

In vanilla, there are less than 50 city names for each culture type. This mod increases that number to 54 across the board, with more to come.

I take suggestions in the discussion board (NOT the comments!), so if you’ve got a name you think would be decent, especially for barbarian and feudal cultures, let me know!

A couple of city names are references to other games. I wasn’t sure whether to include them or not, so let me know if they fit in or not. I may remove them depending on the response.

In the future, this may include alternate titles for rulers of each affinity, as well as other name-related features.