Tier 4 Followers – Mild Increased Spawn – v5.7.64

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Author: Multigun

Last revision: 21 Sep, 2023 at 14:27 UTC

File size: 685.06 KB

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Mod Updating Guidelines

If you are having trouble updating the mod, we have documentation on our discord to help assist you with common troubleshooting steps.

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Important Info

Mod id: 1467634310


Please direct questions, comments, concerns, feedback, and bug reports to our Discord. All documentation is also only found on Discord.

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Description of Mod

This mod is the Mild Increased Spawn alternative to our other mods, Tier 4 Followers: Always Spawn and Tier 4 Followers: Medium Increased Spawn.

What this mod does is makes it so Tier 4 NPCs will have an increased chance to spawn in their designated locations. The vanilla percentage chance of a Tier 4 NPC spawning in a single location, is roughly 1-2%. For solo players or small server play, this can cause an insane amount of grinding to get a single NPC.

Unlike our Increased Spawn version, this mod is meant to increase the chances of Tier 4 NPC Spawning but at half the rate. What we did, is we took the values in the Increased Spawn version, and cut everything in half.

The spawn rates in this mod range from 10-20%. Our feedback for Increased Spawn, was two things; people either loved it, or wanted a slightly harder version. We felt, and based on our testing, that half the spawn rate was appropriate to match this request.


All three versions of the Tier 4 Followers mods will reliably work on any official map (Exile Lands and Siptah) or modded map that utilizes the WeightedSpawnTable and it’s default entries found in it.

I have also updated the mods to include compatibility with Savage Wilds and Emberlight and all of their custom spawns.

In terms of future game patches, the mods are futured proof in that they will not break. The only time a "true" update will be required is if and when Funcom adds new spawns to the map and I need to include those into my tables. Otherwise, I will recompile them for major patches just so the "Check Mark" shows the mod is updated, even though it doesn’t need it.

Surge Uniformity

Thanks to Alrenstorm for the idea. All surges are unified so that they have same chance to spawn the various NPC’s during a Surge event.

5% Priest
15% Unthrallable
20% Equipment
20% Crafter
40% Combat


A bonus to downloading this mod is that I make sure to fix a few Tier 4 NPCs that weren’t spawning at all. This can and does change from version to version as Funcom plugs up the holes, but we make sure that you don’t need to wait that long to get the missing NPCs of the world. As for any unused NPCs that I find, for funsies I include those in existing spawn points and have them share a spawn with something else. That way, you don’t need to admin in anything if you want to earn them the right way.

Mod’s Are Feature Complete

Due to feedback from players, all versions of Tier 4 Followers are considered completed versions. No further changes will be made as far as features, improvements, tweaks, other versions, or Follower variety will be added. They are considered low priority, and I will only update them to keep them working.

Multiple Mod Warning

Use only one of the three mods offered for increased spawn chances for Tier 4 Followers, either the Always version, the Mild version, or the Medium version. Choose ONE

Bug Reports

As for bug reports, feedback is always important for all my mods. But these Tier 4 Followers mods in particular I have had a great deal of what ended up being false reports. It is important that you be thorough in your report for it to be most useful to me.

In order for your bug report to be the most efficient that it can be, you must consider the following information and provide all the requested data.

  1. Any bug report that is prior to a compatibility update after an official update won’t be processed.
  2. You must post your entire mod load order.
  3. Then, explain in the fullest detail on everything you have done to troubleshoot the problem (including removing other mods and testing).
  4. I need to know the exact location of the area you see having issues with. Either give me a teleport location, a screenshot of the map of where it’s at, or a screenshot of the spot you are looking at. A written description isn’t enough.

If you cannot provide me with the information above, then I am unable to fully process your bug report. Thank you for your understanding.

Update Policy
  • I will update my mods on my terms and my terms alone. If you don’t like my update schedule, don’t use the mods.
  • Mismatch errors are not the fault of mod creators. If you need help understanding this concept, visit the discord.

Multi’s Other Mod’s Can be Found by Clicking Here!