Native Policies Guide Colonial Subjects

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Author: reddbane

Last revision: 21 Dec, 2018 at 21:50 UTC

File size: 2.05 KB

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Not Ironman Compatible

This mod is fully Compatible with Beyond Typus, but works on its own as well.

(It is my policy that anyone can use the work I’ve done here, and modify or add it to their own mod, and publish it, though please note the original source.)

Within the current EU4 game all Colonial Subjects get an 80% bonus to cultural conversion, ensuring that all AI Colonial nations automatically destroy any remaining native cultures that exist within their provinces, regardless of the disposition of their overlord. This is certainly historically accurate in regards to what happened in English North America and the Various Caribbean Islands, but not all European colonizers followed this practice of clear cutting the local inhabitants; for example, the Dutch and early French colonists generally adopted a practice of trade and tolerance of local tribes, while in South America, while the Spanish and Portuguese generally did not tolerate local religions, they chose to convert and intermix with the natives rather than kill them outright or force them from their lands as the English settlers did. With this mod I aim to add a little more of this historical variation to Colonial interaction with its native provinces.

Firstly, I removed the base 80% bonus to cultural conversion granted to colonial nations, and now that bonus is only granted to Colonies depending on the Native Policy that is picked by their overlord.

Through a series of hidden events, each Colonies gets these sets of bonuses and/or penalties based upon the Native Policy of their overlord:

If the Overlord has the “Native Coexistence Policy”, their colonial subjects are granted this:
+3 Max promoted cultures
-50% Cost to Promote Culture
+50% Cost to Convert Culture (Penalty)
+2% Global Missionary Strength
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

If the Overlord has the “Native Trading Policy”, their colonial subjects are granted this:
+1 Merchant
+20% Provincial trade power modifier
+4 Tolerance of Heathens
+25% Religious Unity

If the Overlord has the “Native Repression Policy”, their colonial subjects are granted this:
-80% Cost to Convert Culture
−0.025 Monthly autonomy change
+50% Cost to Promote Culture (Penalty)
+4 Tolerance of Heretics
+2% Global Missionary Strength
-4% Global Heretic Missionary Strength

These affect both the AI and player, and will guide the way in which they deal with the natives in their provinces.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks