Charlie, the playable character mod (RoG compatible)

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Author: Maxie McSpookington

Last revision: 28 Jun, 2015 at 23:04 UTC

File size: 1.68 MB

On Steam Workshop


Howdy! AmaLee here to present to you a playable character mod for Don’t Starve; Maxwell’s assistant, Charlie!
(If you’re not sure who Charlie is, may I perhaps persuade you to take a look at the William Carter Puzzles?)
This description is for all the basic stuff. I’ll provide a few more tidbits on the forum thread at
I currently need a ton of help adding new and exciting features for Charlie! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ASSISTING WITH THE MOD, please send a message to me or visit the link above!

There is also a DST compatible mod found in DST’s workshop! Here’s a link:

How this mod was possible:
Charlie was made with the Extended Sample Character Mod provided by Dleowolf!
TheDanaAddams’ tutorial was also a big help in some of the scripting processes that need to be done to get her perks to work.
The text for her name in her big portrait for DST was graciously given by Jeff Agala over on tumblr.
Also, a huge thank you to The Noon Fish and Dryicefox for helping me with her ghost and sounds!

Basic information on the mod:
Charlie’s character design was based on the designs seen in 8th William Carter Puzzle. Currently, she has two different "perks": her sanity is drained at a higher rate (x1.25), she has a lower maximum health (113) and her damage updates depending on the time of day. Currently, the rates are as follows:
Day: x1
Dusk: x1.5
Night: x2
This should apply to all equippable weapons, as well as disarmed damage.

Future Update plans:
-Possible Grue step-by-step transformation

IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN CHARLIE’S CUSTOM SOUND: Currently, steam workshop has a problem with custom characters that have custom sound. When uploaded, the mod will not be added into the mod lists of players who have subscribed to said mod. For this reason, Charlie’s custom sound addition will ONLY be available for download at the forums, found here:
I apologize for this inconvenience, however I have not found a solution otherwise.

Thank you for checking out my mod! May all of your adventures be gruesome, and if you have any suggestions, please visit the thread linked above!