Cho’s Garden Guardian Rework

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Author: Chogex

Last revision: 14 Dec, 2020 at 01:25 UTC

File size: 716.8 KB

On Steam Workshop

Short Description

Garden Guardian has always been one of the most boring fights in the game, despite having some of the best visuals. My aim has been to reduce the feeling of grind in the fight by allowing the player to deal more damage, while creating more opportunities for interesting decision making.



All of the Garden Guardian’s parts have shared HP (like Flesh).
Shield takes little damage, Head is weak to direct damage and Arm is weak to DoT damage.

Most of the Garden Guardian’s skills have had their damage, crit and acc lowered to account for the changes listed below.

* Head has 2 actions per round and will lose it’s actions when hit. Every third action it takes will be Annihilating Glare, otherwise it will use Hatred Beyond Time, which buffs for half of what it used to.

* Shield acts the same way it did before, but it will now lose damage reduction and gain Bleed damage with each attack it makes.

* Arm has 2 actions per round. It uses a new skill, Nourish The Grounds every 4th turn, which heals HP for each Bleeding hero it hits. Otherwise it will use Feed The Soil, which now deals Horror instead of Stress. Horror damage is increased on Bleeding heroes.


Not compatible with Virulent Overhaul.

Compatible with Courtyard+ (place this mod ABOVE).


I am but one man. Your feedback can help me improve this mod, especially in the balance department. Good luck and come yell at me if you don’t like it.


Concept by Chogex
Coding by Chogex

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Darkest Dungeonu00ae: The Crimson Court