More Faction Traits

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Author: Zen Tractor

Last revision: 29 Nov, 2015 at 04:09 UTC

File size: 430.08 KB

On Steam Workshop


Updates ate my description. Things might be missing as I reconstruct this from memory.

This mod adds more faction traits to use with the faction creation in Endless Legend. The traits can be found within a new category on the faction creation screen: MoreTraits. I might reword them and shuffle them around if there’s enough to warrant splitting into new categories.

I have tried to add in more options while keeping them both reasonable and balanced, and costed appropriately. If you have any feedback on that, or have any new ideas for faction traits then let me know and I’ll see if I can add them or not!

Every effort has been made to make this mod purely additive. There [/i]should[/i] be no conflicts when running this with other mods.

I do have another mod which might go up when it has more content that contains the more ambitious faction traits that require some more destructive coding that doesn’t play as well with other mods.

Included Traits:
True Strikes & Limp Wristed: – cost 5/10/15 & -4/-8/-12 respectively
+-5/10/15% attribute bonuses from weapons
Socialites: – cost 8
+1 population gained from pacified minor villages
Xenophobes: – gain 5
-1 population gained from pacified minor villages
No Windows: – gain 7
-1 vision on city districts and city centre
Citizen scouts: – cost 10
+1 vision on regional buildings (extractors, villages and watchtowers)
Beach Party: – cost 8
+4 :approval: on tiles with sea or lake
Royal X – cost 7
Gives +5% to a relevant attribute for one type of units (eg: +5% attack to ranged units) that are not heroes. Only one of the five can be taken.

– none known!

2.1.0: Added Social Pressure, Royal archers/knights/guard/heralds/advisors
2.0.0: Changed to work with the steam workshop! Fixed localisation strings. Forked Bulldozers to a different mod
1.2.0: added No Windows, Beach Party, Xenophobes, Citizen Scouts traits
1.1.1: reworked Socialites better so that the tooltips work.
1.1.0: Added Limp Wristed, True Strikes, Socialites
1.0.1: Fix anomaly negative (Thanks Pikou)
1.0.0: The mod exists!

I’ve worked under the assumption that people will want to use with in conjunction with other mods, so I’ve made it as non-destructive as possible. It is highly unlikely that there will be any conflicts with any other mods.