Draenor Map 2.0 (Number of regions doubled!)

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Author: Victor

Last revision: 21 Mar, 2017 at 02:45 UTC

File size: 5.07 MB

On Steam Workshop


"Ours is a savage world…"

This is a 130×150 tile (in other words, massive) map of the planet Draenor from World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor. This version of the map is many times larger than my initial version, which can be found here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=822466058

(UPDATE 3-20-17)
– The number of regions has been more than doubled in this new update! The map is infinitely more exciting and explorable now.

(UPDATE 2-5-17)
– Per user request, I have added the islands of Farahlon and Ashran. (Farahlon’s shape is based on the version seen in the beta builds of WoD but the island itself was not released and so this is an estimate as to how it would have appeared.)
– I also have fixed Gorgrond’s continental shape.

NOTE: This map is quite large and may not run well on slower computers!

To change the location where your empire spawns, you may change your empire number after setting your game to friends only or public multiplayer.

The locations are as follows:

Empire 1: Central Talador
Empire 2: Lunarfall, Shadowmoon Valley
Empire 3: Frostwall, Frostfire Ridge
Empire 4: Telaar, Nagrand
Empire 5: Hellfire Citadel, Tanaan Jungle
Empire 6: Veil Terokk, Spires of Arak
Empire 7: Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley
Empire 8: Bladefist Hold, Frostfire Ridge

If you have any feedback, bug reports, or suggestions, please let me know!