$$$Combat Revisited for DEI

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Author: Kase

Last revision: 12 Jun, 2020 at 10:23 UTC

File size: 3.03 MB

On Steam Workshop


. Changed animations tables to fit more simple ones yet more fitting and cool honestly.
. Removed formation attack from every unit except for hoplites and as of right now legio too, including late hastati and principes.
. Removed and reworked hoplite phalanx and shield wall, this units will only use spears
. Reworked pike formation modifiers thogether with the changes below to make the pikes feel just right
. Made the Shield bearers & Royal guard as a late triarii like spear unit, they don’t have formed_attack nor hoplite phalanx (disciplined formation ingame). Feels better that having them as a hoplite unit.
. Very few and small unit stat tweaks
. Melee_weapon_tables revisited to make it feel more balanced
. Tweaks in entity mass, cohesion.. etc.
. Faster speed for many units and walking speed normalice to 1,8 for every unit.
. Reduced radii ratio on inf units so the cav charge feels more impactful and also normalice all inf units radius (hoplites and pikes had it reduced)
. Normalice health on inf units to 120 but reduced very light units (just light skirmishes) to 80 so they are more vulnerable to cav.
. Many tweaks in kv_rules should make battles feel a bit quicker (barely noticeable) and better looking.
. Tweaks in the kv_rules and projectiles tables to make shields better against projectiles, increase projectile dispersion, nerf accuracy a bit, increase reload times, reduce 50% of the projectile damage.. etc. BUT.
I doubled or tripled the ammo of every INF range unit and increased a bit the projectiles velocity.
What I want to accomplish here is to keep the overall damage but in a prolonged time. I don’t want my velites to fight for 3 min and then sit in the back line.
Also projectiles from the side and back feel more painful overall. I’ve tested it and works really nice as far as I’ve seen.
Range dps in DeI is and has always been too high IMO.
. Deeper rank depth:
16 rank – 400 men Rome eagle cohorts
14 rank – 300 men unit
12 rank – pikes
10 rank – melee inf
8 rank – missile inf
5 rank – light cav

I’m leaving many changes behind but I can’t be bothered, enjoy 🙂

Please comment and let me know what you think. Also, I recommend checking my mod
Dei Revisited: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1676419822