Crisis in the Czech Republic REMASTERED: An Anti-Furry 3 DLC

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Author: Moorio

Last revision: 19 Feb at 17:15 UTC

File size: 16.2 MB

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Woah, an Anti-Furry Mod?

I wanna say, I’m neutral. Now anyways..
You guys remember the old discussions and screenshotting wars during the 2022-2023 era? Welp, I decided to look back at one of the mods and remembered Crisis in the Czech Republic, showed it to Sturm, in which he cringed at it, so I decided to do somethin funny, and remaster the mod, this mod took around 4 days to complete (similar to the original mod, wow..), now you may notice some units and many soldiers are quite generic, well, turns out the old mod was super bad (like horrible.) some of these units are my interpretation of what Sturm was probably aiming for and you may notice some guns and armour pieces of the original mod. Like the SP-10 being replaced and being removed, the original mod was that bad, that I couldn’t be bothered to rework and remaster the gun sprites, so I just replaced it with a different shotgun. Also you may notice some of the content is a bit smaller than the original, mostly because some of the sprites in the original were just filler or were so terrible that I decided to remove them in the remaster.

Now, why is this related to Lead Brigade? Mostly because it’s a reference to the title of the original and also, this isn’t canon to Lead Brigade at all, it’s just a DLC (somewhat) to a old iconic mod and iconic war that happened, plus Lead Brigade is the newest AF Mod that’s currently out, and it’s been quite a long time since AFM 2 came out (2 years ago, jesus..).

Also expect a mod tomorrow. But it’s gonna be older and lazier and something I wanted to get out the way, so when it releases, it’s not gonna be the same standards as what you see in this mod, but it will be updated after I get some small motivation boost one day.

Also while you’re here, check out the 3nd Mod, it recently released and I thought it would be fitting to plug it here:

Lore summary made by a sane person

Hádek is commander of some infantry regiment and then some Furry Defender Paramilitary dudes did some stuff and some other parties got involved and it’s pretty much a civil war in Bohemia.

Included in the mod

90+ in total

20+ Guns
15+ Helmets
25+ Humans and Soldiers
20+ Armour Pieces


Credit to Crisis in The Czech Republic: An Anti-Furry 2 Creator DLC and Sturmgeschutz for the idea of the mod and creation of the mod

Made by Moorio / Cowfarms