Slower Colonization

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Author: not a starburst

Last revision: 7 Feb at 05:31 UTC

File size: 80.1 KB

On Steam Workshop


This mod slows down colonization to make it slightly more historical.

The largest single change is that I’ve changed the AI weighting for the Exploration idea group. The AI now won’t pick Exploration before 1481, so you no longer have Spain and Portugal halfway through colonizing the Caribbean before Columbus sets sail.

Settler growth in general has also been lowered: a lot of base modifiers have been nerfed. The upshot is that colonies take longer to complete. To compensate, colony maintenance has been slashed in half, to 1 gold per colony. However, colony maintenance now increases back up to 2 gold per colony as you progress through diplomatic tech.


Does this mod work with all DLC?

It should, but because I don’t own most DLC, I can’t be sure.

Is this mod compatible with other mods?

That depends on the mod. There are a few potential sources of incompatibilities:

1: Because I couldn’t figure out how to overwrite individual idea groups, I had to overwrite ALL the generic idea groups to implement the altered AI weighting for exploration. If you have a mod that also alters national ideas, you may have to make some fixes.

2: To implement changes to settler growth, I had to manually overwrite the values in each diplomatic tech– which means I technically overwrite vanilla diplomatic techs. Since I didn’t touch anything else, it should have no effect on actual gameplay but may cause problems with mods that alter diplomatic tech.

3: I overwrite some defines.lua values. This isn’t likely to be a problem, since most of them are colonization-specific.

Is this mod complete?

Not even close. Right now it’s in alpha, and even that’s highly charitable. I hope to keep working on it, but I can’t make any promises beyond that.

Is this mod balanced?

Probably. Colonization in the base game isn’t particularly broken to begin with: it’s just wildly ahistorical in its speed, and for the most part this is just nerfs.

Can I change or fork this mod?

Sure, just credit me if you do.

* The are two slightly different "Charter Colonies" Parliament Issues. This is mildly annoying but should have minimal impact on gameplay, as the AI is weighted to never choose the duplicate.
* The increase in colony upkeep doesn’t show up in the tech sidebar, though it should show up on the individual tech cards.