Missile Launcher Variant – Crippler v1.3

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Author: Dj0z

Last revision: 28 Feb at 00:51 UTC

File size: 5.3 MB

On Steam Workshop


Ever wondered why we have guided projectiles, but waste them on layers upon layers of front armor and shields?

This mod adds a variant of the Missile Launcher without modifying the original, with these differences :
– Launcher can only shoot ‘Crippler’ variants of HE missiles, shoots 20% slower and can’t quick-fire 3 missiles.
– Cripplers are much faster but turn slower. They have +50 range and +50% durability.
– Placed on the sides, they will almost always hit the back of enemies chasing you or close to you.
– They run out of fuel and disappear about 30% faster, but start fires easily.
– Watch out for asteroids, these missiles need a lot of room to maneuver.

Balanced for base game.
Must be unlocked (HE missile launcher not necessary because a bug makes it cost +40k in starters. This way, Crippler can be used in starter ships – total unlock cost remains the same).

Extra languages : French, Russian, Spanish. Will add more if someone competent can provide me with the text.

See the collection for other part variants.

How it works

These "smart" missiles are programmed for a 3-phase approach. Just meddling with the turn radius and speed wasn’t working well enough. So they :
-Circle first to stay away from frontal and side PD if at all possible.
-Slow down in the center-back where juicy parts probably are, to prepare the final approach.
-Burn all their remaining fuel to strike. This is essential because it’s fighting the target’s forward movement.

Because of this very specific attack pattern, they perform strangely when placed in other positions than the intended spot (sides) but that also makes them good at their job. They are meant to be mixed and matched with other weapons to achieve maximum efficiency.

Example ships using it

Crippler missile barges
Starter missile ship

Recommended mods to use with

Thrusterflame Armor

Latest changelog

– No longer requires missile launcher unlock (because bug makes it cost 40k more in starters).
– Unlock increased by 5000 (real cost of HE missile launcher unlock) to balance.
– Now able to be used in starter ships.