819 A.D. Total Reskin (AD : 919 submod)

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Author: zmz

Last revision: 5 Mar at 20:37 UTC

File size: 330.49 MB

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This mod is a complete reskin of AOC units, using assets from Anno Domini 919 and other mods to bring you the ultimate late 8th/9th century Total War experience.

The aim of this mod is mainly to add some regional diversity to the rosters.
All cultures (Frankish, Saxon, Spanish, Slavic, Anglosaxon, Nordic, Celtic, Roman and Muslim) now have their own patterns of helmets and armors, inspired by the 9th century manuscripts and arts.

This mod was originally built for Age of Justinian II mod’s grand campaign and is compatible with it.

AD:919 campaign is playable but the timeline will not really match the units skins. Might update that in the future.

How does it work ?

Anno domini 919 mod is required :

Just suscribe and place the mod above the AD919 mod packs in the launcher’s mod list.

Age of Justinian II mod pack can be loaded anywhere in the list :

Is it supposed to be historically accurate ?

Maybe, maybe not… who knows ? Our knowledge of the era is very thin.

In this mod, you’ll find some units wearing fancy/strange looking helmets, designed as close as possible to the ones represented in the 9th century manuscripts with my limited skills.

Some historians (not all) claim that these manuscripts were mere copies of late roman ones. Some others find it hard to believe that these artists got most of the stuff from their time right (weapons, clothing…) but somehow decided to copy the helmets from ancient sources. Also, blacksmiths probably tried to replicate models they’d seen in the books. Historians now believe that some helmets like the Carolingian morion could have actually existed.

The truth is that nobody knows for sure : we have zero archeological finds of helmets from the 9th century in Western Europe. This gives room for imagination, so let’s use it !

What we do know from archeology is that helmets and armor were rare and expensive, so only top tier units wear chainmail, and not all of them.
Medium units are mostly equipped with scale armor, easier to produce and cheaper.

When I couldn’t find illustrations, I got inspiration from other sources. For instance, the ancient texts teach us that Vascones were lightly armored and wore large shirts and pants with boots (they’re included as skirmisher units in the spanish roster). German saxons were known to be culturally conservative so I gave them a migration period vibe with nordic influence. Lombard armies included many roman/italians, and their roster has a mix of armory from both cultures with frankish influences. Bretons shields and clothing are dyed black as stated in the chronicles.

Credits :

The Anno Domini team, Tim (armors and helmets), WibblyWobblyWonder (shields), Dresden’s Fall of the eagles mod (scale armor models), the 1212 AD mod and 7 Kingdom’s teams (helmet base models), for their fantastic work.