The End Of A Dream Campaign

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Authors: Thonio, MandalorianJedi

Last revision: 17 Dec, 2021 at 13:55 UTC

File size: 1.06 MB

On Steam Workshop


The End of A Dream Campaign is a fan-made solo campaign for Forts. To play it subscribe to the workshop item then go to the campaign tab in Forts, select it, and click the red arrow to download the maps and mods used in it. This is the Moonshot version of the campaign. It requires you to own the Moonshot DLC to play it (a non-moonshot version is coming soon:tm:).

In this campaign, the difficulty has been made to provide three clear difficulty levels. Easy is for new players or people who aren’t comfortable with the game mechanics yet, normal is designed to be the difficulty for a casual play-through and hard is designed to be challenging for the more experienced players. Don’t hesitate to play this campaign on easy if you are a less experienced player!

The End of A Dream features 16 new exciting missions as well as a unique story to back them up. This campaign is an unofficial sequel to the official campaigns: Black Oil and Moonshot, excluding High Seas as this was made after it was released. If you want to avoid spoilers, you should definitely play both of these campaigns first and avoid reading the story teasers.

Story teaser:
This is Sal Vaux with Facts News. The world was at peace, and global conflicts to secure a viable source of energy following the great oil shortage seemed to be coming to an end. The major factions had fought over an alleged massive oil deposit named the ‘Motherlode’. However, it soon proved to be manipulation by a malicious, unseen company named Black Penguin Oil (BPO) to steal their remaining supplies of oil for one reason: To claim the resources of the Moon. BPO had quietly discovered that the Moon contains enough materials to mass produce nuclear reactors, offering a solution to the global energy crisis, but at an extremely high tax to Earth’s citizens. The major factions had no choice but to form a Coalition in order to contest and take these resources from them. They launched the largest global offensive the world had ever seen. They eventually succeeded and claimed the Moon for the greater good of humanity. An outpost was established on the Moon along with Moon Shuttle Pads for incoming and departing shuttles, and the first deliveries had started to come in. It was just a matter of time before the reactor’s Helium-3 cores could be mass-produced and the energy crisis could finally be solved. This was until an unknown, mysterious faction acting under the banner of the Coalition took control of the Moon Outposts, stopping the shipments. With the sudden loss of vital resources, the world is plunged into a new period of uncertainty as the major factions scramble to uncover the mystery faction’s identity while also fighting each other. Conflict is spreading around the world once more and no one is safe. Now the only question on everyone’s mind is, what will happen next? This is Sal Vaux with Facts News, bringing you the news as it happens.

This campaign is fully translated into French. If you want to provide a translation for another language, feel free to post a comment below.