Neko Species, Catgrills and Catboois!

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Author: FBC

Last revision: 5 Dec, 2018 at 12:47 UTC

File size: 4.61 MB

On Steam Workshop


Non stem cell version


You need a character extender mod for it to work.


Catgrills in Space! (Very arousing!) not really…

Great hairstyles.
Catgrills and catboois. (Catpeople humanoid with cat ears and tail).
Immunity to cold and deadlychill.
Eyes changes colour with your tail!
They still have some animal parts to them.
A special sword with combos.
Combo ABC or something.
~~~~~~~~~~A = left mouse click very fast.
~~~~~~~~~~B = right click fast.
~~~~~~~~~~C = left mouse button hold and let go.
A ship! From the lovely artist deliriousbiznasty.
Experimental "Do not know if it is in yet", or currently deleted because I am a triggered land whale.
Original content.
More personalisation features "this will take a long time and I’m only doing it when I simply want too."
Immature jokes, questionable ethics.

Contact me if you found a game breaking bug, which makes you crash or something.
Including the log file, I cannot fix anything without the log file.
Example path to log file;
c:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonStarboundstorage .
c:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/storage .
Guide to maybe pastebin the log;

Thanks to:
* Kawa for lending me some of the assets because I am lazy and being a sort of mentor/teacher.
* Deliriousbiznasty, for being such an amazing artist and lending me the ship files version. If you would like you can check her out ->
* Aaesos for trying to keep this up-to-date.
* Gonjamoon for not having "any ask for permission.”
* ODABUTSU for making hairstyles, eyes and for making many others stuff.
"Is that about Neko race mod? If it be so about old hairstyles please use this freely." -Odabutsu 2016
Thanks <3
* Devs: "Pretty self-explanatory.”
Guide to restore ship.
Ok so you need to take all your stuff out of your ship. When you have done that, you can save and then go to your starbound storage folder then go to player and delete the shipfile. Path c:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Starbound/storage/player/ . Then look for .shipworld and delete.
After that, you can log in again and then boom you will have your new type of ship with the updates you already had on your previous.
If you want to get the previous ship you can go to chucklefishforums and use that .7z and get the one with a 2 on It.

You have to be inclusive folks!

Known incompatibilities.
Any type of mod that modifies the ship that means that you will be stuck in an endless loop because the ship AI does not know where it is and the spaceship will not stop hyper-looping. Just stick to the ship parts already in the mod please – I am too lazy to make another version of this mod…
Authors note:
I also cringe. A lot.
I have an unhealthy internet obsession & I hide behind multiple layers of ironic humour to masquerade the fact that I have crippling depression.

Btw you are also free to restribute the mod and even add it to the mod packs and change files just as long as you simply give a shoutout or thanks to me.
Would love if people actually added their own versions of this mod to the workshop.
Also I would certainly love if you people whom can mod and want to change stuff and upload them. That you would keep the changelog file and write what you have done there.

On a side note, I am still willing to help with some technical issues.
Do keep in mind that I am not as dedicated as I was before, with developing new features to this mod. (I have lost interest).