Fall From Grace 2.67 BETA- A Dark Fantasy Total Conversion (ASCII GRAPHICS)

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Author: Squamousness

Last revision: 2 Apr at 19:09 UTC

File size: 7.79 MB

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Man’s reign was born from sin, and to sin he shall return. So it has always been said. Since the days of the Titans, who ate the flesh of gods and in doing so became them, only to turn against one another in anthropophagic frenzy, ruin has followed our people. Stumbling from one madness to another, the world crawls with our mistakes. Warring kingdoms, monstrous creations, shameful degenerations, and things far worse. But even so, the degraded world clings to whatever yet offers hope or comfort. The Great Faiths, wardens of civilization, grant what succor they can, and salve the cannibalistic hunger inflicted upon us through the deeds of our ancestors, so long as we follow the alien scriptures they have brought forth, carried from the fathomless Outer Dark. And at the fraying edges, the powers banished by holy writ yet ever watch for weakness.

In this world, El-Enlil, the soul of man is laid bare, in all of its terrible wickedness and all its righteous passion. When humanity is truly a people cursed, afflicted with consuming destructive impulse only restrained by devotion to alien gods, what figures shall rise among them? Who shall pick up the sword or the sigil or the word and strive for greatness, or become but another forgotten soul in a realm which ever seems to change, yet never truly has. Here, in the distant and untamed Borderlands, is a place where futures can be made or broken through skill and chance, through cunning and bravery. So will you seek glory? Power? Respite? Or will you simply be a pawn to those who do?

We have fallen from grace, and little hope remains.

We can only struggle on.

What is Fall From Grace?

Fall From Grace is a total overhaul mod which takes the game Dwarf Fortress and transplants it into a dark religious fantasy setting inspired by media like Berserk, Dark Souls, and other dark fantasy fiction, where humanity, afflicted by the supernatural burden of their past actions, have pledged themselves to alien gods for salvation, or through hubris have sought to become gods themselves. But such apotheosis is not to be our story. Ours takes place in its periphery. The ruins of countless civilizations litter the land, and the place where the tale is told, the ever-changing Borderlands, is a dismal patchwork of feuding kingdoms and decaying empires. It may seem like a typical medieval fantasy world on the surface, but the deeper one pries, the stranger things become. Play a landed lord, a noble knight, a powerful sorcerer, a cunning mercenary, a wandering barbarian, an inhuman monster, a cannibal demigod. The world of El-Enlil, the grand argument for the soul of man, awaits.

Would you like to help support the creation, maintenance, and improvement of this mod and others like it? Consider donating to my patreon: https://www.patreon.com/themodsmith
Want to know more about the lore of this world and how to play it? Try the Bay12 page: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=182307
Want to download this mod, but you don’t have a steam account? Use DFFD, classic DF is free as well: https://dffd.bay12games.com/file.php?id=16953
Have an issue? Report it in the bug report channel of the Discord: https://discord.gg/hDY8KT7pXE


1. This mod is for Dwarf Fortress CLASSIC, make sure you have loaded in ASCII glyphs when activating this mod.

2. This mod is an entirely self-contained experience. When selecting it for world generation, DEACTIVATE all other raw files, including the vanilla ones, from the selection. Fall From Grace comes with copies of those raws within it, meaning it needs nothing else from any other folder to function. All you need is the mod to be active. Feel free to experiment if you really want, but if it causes problems I can’t help.

3.Within the folder SteamsteamappscommonDwarf Fortressmods3127084145 there is a file called ‘colors’. If you’d rather not deal with the default ASCII colors, replace the colors.txt in the SteamsteamappscommonDwarf Fortressdatainit folder with this one.

4. Within the folder SteamsteamappscommonDwarf Fortressmods3127084145 there is a file called ‘worldgen data’. Follow the instructions there and take the copied material to the SteamsteamappscommonDwarf Fortressprefs folder. Copy the worldgen data into this file. You do NOT need to override any pre-existing worldgen templates. When you load the Fall From Grace mod, only choose from these world presets in Advanced World Generation unless you really know what you are doing. If something goes wrong and you haven’t used these to gen your world, I won’t be able to help you, because that can cause a lot of problems I can’t fix. You don’t need to delete these if you want to generate a vanilla world, just don’t choose them when generating a non-FFG world. These parameters may change, requiring an update, but I will announce in the changelog if that is done. If you do not have a prefs folder, go to advanced world gen and SAVE the parameters. That should generate one.

However, some things can be changed safely:
-site amount
-civ amount
-end year
-embark points

Be aware, the above are weighted towards the creation of a heavily populated world with lots of factions, settlements, and a long history. Adjust to taste if that’s too much for your computer.

This mod may have a lot of meat to it, but it has also just been ported to a radically different version of the base game and I lack vital tools (adventure mode and some utilities) for adequately testing things. As a result, there will be bugs. Some of them might be a mild inconvenience, others might crash the game. I am working as fast as I can to quash them, but until adventure mode and arena mode are added this will be difficult. Not only that, but many new features such as the graphic system (even if it’s ASCII, there’s a lot of stuff that’s different now), and the new interface are foreign to me, so there may be some issues arising from that. So, this is a warning to the reader that this sort of thing may happen. I apologize in advance and promise I will move to fix bugs as quickly as possible with the tools I have available. Thank you for your patience during this period, I want this mod to work as much as I hope you do!

-The creators of Dwarf Fortress for this wonderful game they have made
-My patrons who have helped keep this project alive
-The Vherid: Sorrow color scheme (the optional one included in this mod).
-Youtubers like Kruggsmash and Mort Strudel who have showcased my work in the past (check them out!)
-The various members of the mod community who have helped me resolve numerous difficulties
-My family for encouraging me to continue working on my passion
– Toriotto’s Archive for providing the art used in the preview image (check out his stuff its cool): https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/5887541/artworks