A Requiem For Man: Playable Hinters Plugin

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Author: ReshiKillim

Last revision: 8 Apr at 14:27 UTC

File size: 599.83 KB

On Steam Workshop

The Hinter

A Psionic Interdimensional Alien capable of wielding immense power. Hinters can be acquired through scanning a special Point of Interest that can appear some time after Resistance Comms is researched.

Ability Trees and Stuff (Will fill this out later, probably)


Should work with just about everything. LWOTC, Modjam, CI, and whatnot.

Is it balanced?

Kind of, sort of. Maybe? Maybe not. Depends on what mods you are/are not running. It’s not particularly overpowered, but it is pretty strong. This mod was made to fulfill a special request by the lovely EpisodeZero, and so, it is not benchmarked for balance in various environments.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen