The Athiean Federation

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Author: Destiny

Last revision: 26 Feb, 2023 at 01:30 UTC

File size: 206.55 KB

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i have no pictures to give you, it just adds a few item recolors and a new human and android, both having non-physical textures. they’re also all in their own category(s). i dont want to keep being notified about this, so im stopping it at 2 comments

This mod adds the Athiean Federation, ran by Athieons, lil yellow horned guys. 🙂

All colors are intentional, any and all colors are intentional. If you notice something is different colored than the logical way to color it, that’s intentional.

Well hello there, and welcome! My first SERIOUS mod! Like, I’ve modded items in the game before as well as bob from brick rigs, and I had my first attempt at a serious mod, but this one is TRULY serious! I have a clear goal as well! So, I rapidly develop it almost every day (For some reason at the dead of night.)

So, this was originally intended to be unlisted, but I decided to have it be public anyway, for some odd reason. Oh well.

By installing this mod you agree that it is VERY unfinished and spawning the items may have bugs. I’m still a learning coder and this mod is working very well so far! In fact, the developer of the Ostrumian Federation mod has actually let me skim through their code and let me use their code as a base! Though that was after I made this mod actually exist. So, hope you have fun! And I hope this mod becomes a great civilization mod.

Info, among other stuff..

Beware this mod is not consistently updated.
I will work on this mod whenever I feel like it. I do not currently want to so development has halted. I have other stuff to attend to as well. But don’t let your hopes down! Although updates will be very inconsistent and very spaced out because I usually don’t want to bore myself to death and bugfix this mod for 5 hours, the mod will STILL be updated! For now, enjoy whatever the heck is in the mod right NOW!

Version numbers, and stuff.
(Earliest to Latest)

V0.1 (Pre-release.)
Mod was created. Athieon Federation was the original name and I had not known MANY facts of people playground modding, causing me to think that simply putting horns in the texture files of the Athidroid and Athieon, but I also had to upscale the Athidroid texture for this, causing its texture to get screwed up in more ways than one.

V0.2 through 0.9 (At least I think. Pre-release.)
With the permission of the Ostriumian Federation mod’s creator, I looked through their mod’s code, learning how to make many things like child parts, carefully taking notes in my people playground coding text file (I keep track.) I then learned from the mod how to make ENTITY child parts. I was in the clouds! So, I got to work. After various fidgeting with the position of the horns I couldn’t get them to the head, so I fiddled around with the texture, also learning that each pixel is actually half a pixel in-game. Eventually, both were in position. Bam.. The horns were finally there.

V1 (Release.)
I decided that the creator of the mod I had looked through would enjoy seeing the mod he/she helped for themself, so I published it and also released many new items with it, even including things like lore and materials. These include:
Bulletproof Sheet
Brick Block
Brick Wall
(Un-mentioned before, somewhere between v0.1 and v0.2. Must’ve been some form of v0.1.5.) Brick

V1.1 (Post-release.)
The detector’s texture was freaking out and proving problematic. The Ostrumian Federation creator knew this aswell. The texture would only show up when the detector was broken, along with the broken overlay. Nobody knows why. So, the detector was silently removed. Maybe silently. Probably not.

V1.1.5 (Speculative.)
I am not sure if this version exists. If it doesn’t, it was most certainly a small piece of v1.1. It silently (Again, maybe silently) added blood to the Athieans amongst other stuff. Speaking of which, during something like v0.1.1, I changed the name of the mod from Athieon Federation to Athiean Federation, but during the process somehow the mod.json got corrupted and the mod wouldn’t show up, causing panic. It was fixed shortly after.

(End of current updates, written in 8/26/2022, 4:30PM (not estimate.))

What happened was I never knew I needed to add the scripts for armor into the mod.json. I just figured out and WOW! we got 2 armor pieces! Code-wise there are 3 more than what you have right now but I am way too lazy to sprite them.
You also got a battery.

I revisited the mod. You are very welcome.