Monopoly (Original) -HD Version-

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Author: VibronicTea

Last revision: 14 Jan, 2017 at 22:07 UTC

File size: 481.8 KB

On Steam Workshop


Are you tired of playing the original Monopoly on blurry boards that are missing pieces? I was too!

This mod has a board resolution of 6000 x 6000 along with other high resolution pieces.
I made it as close to the original as I could within reason so the board and pieces are around as accurate as possible to the original board game as within my ability. It is not perfect but it’s close.

Some images were scavenged from the net and used or edited in photoshop by myself while some images were done from scratch. I compiled everything in one place to make it easy for anyone to download and play without having to fiddle around or collect pieces to play.


The Monopoly token pieces, houses, and hotels were created by ".plunkett" so show him some love for letting me put his pieces into this mod by default, as well as lining up the table trays.

A link to his mod can be found -HERE-

He also has wooden variants for the houses and hotels in his mod along with brass tokens if that’s what you prefer.

The trays used in this mod were created by MadMark56 and can be found HERE




If you notice anything wrong with the mod such as spelling errors for example, please let me know so I can fix it!
If you want to use my mod, edit it, etc then do whatever you like as long as you provide credit to the work you used. The more content avaliable for the public the better!

**Leave your questions or comments and show your love or hate below**

(If you are looking to make Monopoly scripted, PM me)

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