[WOTC] Geth Prime Redux

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Author: Cerebralcloud92

Last revision: 18 Dec, 2022 at 08:54 UTC

File size: 78.85 KB

On Steam Workshop


LONG Overdue for a post to the Workshop, even with RealityMachina’s permission, I FINALLY bring you my Redux to the Geth Prime.

Instead of reusing the Vanilla Spark’s Skill Tree, the Geth Prime now has their own skillset, about in line with their home series as I could make.

Geth Primes now take normal Armor instead of SPARK Armor. Additionally, Geth Primes can now use Rifles.

Double Tap (Fire your Primary, then take another action), Shredder, Heavy Weapon Slot, Robot Immunities, and Hacking

Repair, Suppression, Combat Protocol

Preparation (+1 AP on Next Turn), Shock Bullet (Elec DMG + Armor Pierce + Disable Shield + Reduce Hack), Chaining Jolt (Gremlin Attack that chains)

Stronger Repairs, Panic Suppression (Enemies might Panic when Suppressed), Storm Generator (Chains have increased range)

Enrage (On Taking Damage, Start with Run & Gun Active Next Turn), Bombard, High Voltage (Chain Shock w/ more DMG per Chain)

Absorption Field, Hunter Protocol, Chain Discharge (Chain Shock AOE)

Unwavering (Repair 1 Armor Shred Per Turn), Burial Shot (Shot Refunds AP if Lethal), Voltaic Arc (Bladestorm, but Shock)

Note: If you want to go about customizing the Geth Prime, I HIGHLY recommend grabbing Unrestricted Customization Redux, and using the Copy Paste feature of that mod to do so with the Geth Prime. (That is additionally a reason why Geth Prime use normal Armor instead of SPARK Armor.)

Please please PLEASE let me know if this mod is missing requirements, I can’t be 100% sure that I’ve caught them all.

(Upon further review, this mod works fine. However, if you’re still unsure: Manuall Installation: Take the XComClassData.ini, XComGame.int, GB_Geth_Class_Icon.upk and copy paste them over to the Geth Redux mod)