Pilotable Planes

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Author: SamsterBirdies

Last revision: 22 Apr at 03:48 UTC

File size: 7.86 MB

On Steam Workshop


You can take control of the planes and fly them and do dogfights and stuff.

Probably best played on maps with plenty of room, like landcruiser maps.

Early development. bugs need fixed. Maybe more planes will come.


Switch plane: click on plane, or PG up, PG down.
Exit plane: right click.
Elevators: A, D, ←, →.
Throttle: W, S, ↑, ↓.
Weapons: space, b, n.


Biplane (from birdies ammo):
-Fires M1911
-Drops Flechettes
-Drops Grenades

F16 Fighting Falcon:
-M61 Vulcan
-AIM-9 Sidewinders

F6F Hellcat:
-6x Machinegun
-2x 250kg bomb

A10 Thunderbolt:
-30mm GAU-8 Avenger
-GBU-39 Bombs

P51 Mustang:
-6x Machinegun
-2x 250kg bomb

F117 Nighthawk:

AC130 Gunship:
-25mm GAU-12 Equalizer
-40mm Bofors
-105mm Howitzer

Mod Support:

Planes from other mods can be supported similar to supporting dlc2_bombs.
Table to insert into the custom plane projectile in projectile_list.lua

sb_planes = { elevator = 60000, –strength of elevator thrust = 15000, –thrust strength throttle_min = 0.5, –minimum throttle multiplier throttle_max = 1.85, –maximum throttle multiplier lift_multiplier = 4.3, –lift strength multiplier lift_max_speed = 3700, –max speed for lift_multiplier advanced_physics = true, –keep it on true (if false, throttle and lift physics are disabled) trail_effect = path .. "/effects/trail_jet", –trail effect to use. This will use append ‘1.lua’ for team 1 and ‘t2.lua’ for team2. In this case: ‘trail_jet1.lua’, and ‘trail_jet2.lua’. RCS = 5, –radar cross section m2. (currently unused. but here in-case i add radar.) weapon1 = { projectile = "sbpp_temp_minigun", –projectile savename to fire rotation = 0.0, –angle to fire the projectile in radians distance = 25, –distance from center of plane to spawn projectile speed = 6000, –speed of projectile relative to plane count = 45, –amount of shots (like RoundsEachBurst) period = 0.04, –period between shots (like RoundPeriod) timer = 9, –reload time of weapon stddev = 0.03, –like FireStdDev effect = path .. "/effects/vulcan_fire.lua", –like FireEffect name = "Vulcan", –name to display on bottom right hud. }, weapon2 = { –same vars as above }, weapon3 = { –same vars as above }, }

You may also want to add an overrides table to change some properties of the plane when this mod is enabled, like removing dlc2_bombs, and adding gravity and drag to the projectile.

sb_planes_overrides = { dlc2_Bombs = nil, Gravity = 981, ProjectileDrag = 4, TrailEffect = nil, }

GAU8 Avenger sound: A-10 Thunderbolt ("Warthog") 30mm GAU cannon 2 by nicStage — https://freesound.org/s/127729/ — License: Attribution 4.0

Jet sound: F-18-flybys–1m3s.wav by Ears68 — https://freesound.org/s/147819/ — License: Creative Commons 0

Biplane from Birdies’ Ammo

You may copy this mod.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Forts - High Seas