Hungary Flaver

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Author: Saladus

Last revision: 17 Feb at 14:46 UTC

File size: 78.6 MB

On Steam Workshop


This Victoria 3 mod introduces an alternative historical scenario where Hungary gains partial autonomy following the Rákóczi War of Independence against Austrian rule at the start of the 18th century. By strategically allying with other European powers during the Napoleonic Wars, Hungary secures its full sovereignty and embarks on a transformative journey. The mod allows players to navigate this unique historical path, heavily investing in industrial and military technologies to propel Hungary into a new era. Players will face the challenge of redefining Hungary’s role on the European stage, crafting its rise as a formidable power through diplomatic finesse and technological innovation. This mod offers a compelling blend of history and strategy, inviting players to reshape the course of the 19th century with Hungary at the forefront of change.

Originally crafted for my own enjoyment, this mod’s future development and the addition of new features remain uncertain. I cannot guarantee ongoing updates or expansions, as it was initially a personal project.