Scavenging0-Scrap Metal Resource For Modders

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Author: MandalfTheGreen

Last revision: 27 Apr at 15:29 UTC

File size: 1.27 MB

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This is an edit of the amazing mod “Scavenging and Tinkering" by royalfox (linked below). Scavenging and tinkering allows you to collect scrap as a resource from the metal pieces and parts littering the Kenshi landscape.

This version of the mod is a modders resource that allows the scrap item and scrap collection to be a common part of mods from many mod makers!

It only gives players the ability to collect scrap, nothing else. But it gives mod makers a lot of possibilities. It is a self contained source and does not require the original mod.

This quote below, taken from the OG mod’s comments, sums up my feelings about this mod better than I ever could:

Shepherd Sean Jul 6, 2021 @ 2:50am
“Probably the most amazing mod on the entire site, as much as I love the other mods for different reasons, None. And I mean None, can compare to the beautiful ways one can completely change their game into a new play-style, scrapping and scavenging for ways to build an entire empire out of the rubble of the old! It takes much longer, but can be done.”

But, here at Slightly Harder Kenshi Mods Inc, we believe that all this power should come with a price. So we have set about adding steep research requirements and additional build costs to the workbenches created by this mod. No longer is all this scrap processing free and easy, now your climb to the empire of rubble will be slightly steeper!

But wait! Slightly Harder Kenshi INC didn’t stop there, we also divided this multi splendored jewel up into a few flavors to fit your potential playstyle.

Scavenging+++ (THIS MOD)
This is all the options from the full mod, but with research and additional build requirements.

This version removes the ability to make artifacts such as books, AI cores etc.

This version only gives the ability to collect scrap and turn it into iron, copper, plates, and building materials.

For the three mods above you need the original mod installed (linked below) above the submod in your load order.

Scavenging0 – (THIS MOD)

Let me know any issues, thanks.

Scavenging and Tinkering OG Mod (not required for this mod)

Here’s the permission to use his mod as a resource, posted from the original mods comments:

RoyalFox [author] Feb 19, 2022 @ 7:40pm
People in the comments section; Please just tweak what you want with the mod and upload a modified version to workshop if you think you can create something more fitting to your tastes. I’ve long since abandoned playing Kenshi after 2000+ hours and its very easy to learn the forgotten construction set. There’s no coding involved and you can even import the changes from this mod if you wanted to, just fix the references to maintain compatibility.