Amalgamation Specs: Richards Classes

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Author: Stukov81-T.TV

Last revision: 23 Nov, 2023 at 22:14 UTC

File size: 82.38 KB

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Another Amalgamation Spec Pack presented to you by #NotAModder Stukov-T.TV …Be sure to catch my stream on Twitch where I do play with Amalgamation Classes Stukov Adaptation Stukov-81 Twitch Channel[]

This Mod brings the Classes from WotC Richards Classes 3 Tree Plus LWinto Amalgamation. 5 Secondary and 5 Tertiary Specs. Yes that’s 10 Specs total with crazy combos available


Assassins are trained to dispatch single targets, be it up close or from afar. They use concealment to get up close to targets amd flank them from the shadows.


The Demolitioner mixes CQB combat with explosive deployment. They have the explosive capabilities of a grenadier but can also serve in mid to short range combat.

Siege Gunner

Siege gunners specialize in the very largest—cannons, bombards, and firedrakes. A few siege gunners make a living renting out their services and the use of their personal collection of siege weaponry to causes in which they believe or to the highest bidder."

Stygian Slayer

A stygian slayer is a merciless killer who can control a sliver of magic, empowering his shots, commit murder, and go to the bar


Medics can deploy advanced medical care with the use of Medikits and select training. They excel at keeping allies alive.


The Raider is a highly aggressive class built to fight up close and personal. They use the Shotgun & Sword.


The Clayman is a grunt soldier. They can fight aggressively, easily taking enemy positions with assault tactics or Claymores


Scouts are masters of subterfuge and provide reconnaissance to allies in the field. They can distract enemy troops, close in on objectives and engage targets up close with the pistol.

SWAT Soldier

SWAT soldiers specialize in mid to close range skirmishes & softening up enemy targets. They can assault enemy positions, provide support fire & distract enemies


Artisans utilize the Gremlin to hack the advent network & retrieve sensitive data. They excel at assisting allies & disrupting enemies.


Perks are from WotC Richards Classes 3 Tree Plus LW. Amalgamation classes mod naturally is a requirement too.

Special Thanks

TePª and H4ilst0rm for the awesome Amalgamation Classes Mod
Richard for making Richards Classes
All the people in the MEME Discord