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Author: NotSoLoneWolf

Last revision: 26 Oct, 2023 at 20:57 UTC

File size: 864.46 KB

On Steam Workshop


Does what it says on the tin. Adds several stats which were previously hidden to the Fleet Editor, so players can take them into account when building their fleets. Full list of revealed stats and where they can be found is down below.

Has no effect on actual gameplay, and won’t be picked up by multiplayer lobbies trying to auto-sync everyone to the host’s mods. However, you won’t get any achievements with mods installed. If that’s a concern, you should enable this mod only when you’re doing long fleetbuilding sessions.


Hull Stat Summary:
– Internal Density which affects the penetration depth of incoming fire
– Unidentified Time for your ship against various intelligence methods

Propulsion Stat Summary:
– Linear Thrust breakdown of different thrusters’ power
– Turn Rate renamed to Theoretical Turn Rate
– Actual Max Turn Rate (the base game’s Turn Rate stat is a lie)
– Estimated 180 Degree Turn Time
– Estimated 180 Degree Roll Time

Weapon Stat Summary:
– Calculated Firing Time (across all weapons, given current ammo supply)
– Rate of Fire (per weapon)

All Components’ Stat Cards:
– Hitpoints to Function (under this HP, component is nonfunctional)
– DC Priority (which components get fixed first)

Search Radar Stat Card:
– Detected by ELINT (the range at which the radar is detected)
– Effective Power (Power * Gain * Aperture, for comparison purposes)
– Detection Range By Signature (7 different signatures shown)

Munition Stat Card (non-missile only):
– Maximum Penetration Depth
– Guaranteed Penetration Depth
– Armor Shredding Radius
– Overpenetration Damage
– Critical Event Chance
– Crew Damage Modifier

Weapon Stat Card (particle beam only):
– Armor Shredding Radius
– Overpenetration Damage
– Critical Event Chance
– Crew Damage Modifier
– Damage And Penetration At Range (3 different ranges shown)