(Redone) Das Wiener Reich – [Europe Map]

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Author: Ethanzilla2

Last revision: 24 Mar at 00:24 UTC

File size: 779.48 KB

On Steam Workshop


Yes this mod has returned after being dead for a while so yeah.

Lore: The begguning of the lore is just kasierreich but diffrent border peace deal.But after WW1,in 1921,With low instability in the Austrio-Hungarian Empire,It fell into a civil war causing the austrian rebublic and all the other states to exist.But in 1922, just a year after the formation of the austrian rebublic had a facist coup or just a national socalist coup.Because of this coup,the austiran rebublic borders never changed.In 1925,Austria being the most powerful out of the new nations out of austria-Hungary invades Slovenia,Croatia and Bosnia.In 1925 The War is almost over in austria’s favor but bosnia had held a defensive front by its capital then made a peace deal were austria gets west bosnia.The soviet Union won the civil war in 1920 and in 1926 is invading central asia and won by 1930,In 1930 On March 8th,Basque Asked for independence and when basque got delcined they rebeled against the state and won in about 90 Days.With Italy thinking that they could win with the entent in WW1, they were wrong and they collapsed and now also has to deal with the facist from northern italy.The ottaman Empire has to deal with the rebels in the middle east and africa and the ottaman goverment sinces something bad rising up in istanbul… something horrifying.Spain is dealing with a military and another crown crisis and civil war is a high chance of happening.Brittanica Has Fallen And Neo-Toltaritarist Groups are begininng to rise up in brittanica and the goverment doesn’t know what to do about it.The world is changing and there is nothing anybody can do about it.welcome to the new world.

Also if anybody thinks i should do this timeline again and do it with a world map commet below. Thank you 🙂

Size: 450×360 (162000px)
Nations: 55