Pre-Byzantium Romans (Empire Divided)

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Author: Кукушка

Last revision: 2 Jan, 2019 at 20:23 UTC

File size: 1.68 MB

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Pre-Byzantium Romans for Empire and Divided DLC

Play a possible "pre-byzantine" late-roman faction, powerful, unstoppable, and rule the Mediterranean!
► Video presentation of most units here ◄
► Legionnary Cataphractaries in action: click to see the video ◄

If you like the mod, a little +1 wont hurt (and would make me happy 😀 )


It is not meant to be a balanced mod: the whole mod is almost a cheat.
Expect no challenge. You’ll lead a very powerful faction, with godly units
(assuming you make it to level 4 barracks)
The goal here is to have fun and/or turtle for 1000 turns. Enjoy!

Designed to be played as the Romans with the Empire Divided DLC for pure fun,
easy and relaxing campaign even on higher difficulty settings.

Keep in mind that you’ll fight most of the time other Romans, who benefit from these bonuses aswell!
You have cheap units right from the start, but the real ‘godly’ units for your faction will come with Level 4 Barracks.

What do I need to run all these on my computer?

Pretty simple:
◘ The game, Rome 2 Total War
◘ The Empire Divided DLC
◘ This very mod
Nothing more!

  • FEATURES: Buldings and campaign stats
  • Legions, fleets, spies, etc cap greatly increased from imperium level 5 onward
  • The civil war probability in campaign has been set to almost zero
    (assuming you destroy the Gallic and the Palmyrian empires)
  • Banditry reduction doubled for administrative buildings
  • Banditry malus reduced by 50% (for buildings having one)
  • Public order and happiness bonus doubled (for buildings having one)
  • Sanitation bonus doubled (for buildings having one)
  • Sanitation bonus applies now to the whole province
  • Squalor malus reduced by 50% (for buildings having one)
  • Food consumption for military buildings reduced by 50%
  • Food production x10 for all regions/buildings
  • Technologies’ research times reduced to 1 turn for Romans
  • Huge malus for besieging armies added
  • The AI is made more aggressive
  • FEATURES: Units and battle stats
  • Barracks level 4 units have their stats doubled (Jovianii, Herculianii and Praetorians)
  • Praetorian cohorts are now foot cataphractaries, with a more oriental design – reskinned with a new icon
  • The Praetorian Cavalry unit is transformed into a range cataphract cav. unit, called Equites Sagittarii Clibabarii
  • Equites Cataphractarii (former Scutarii), Equites Sagittarii Clibanarii (former Praetorian cav.) and Equites Contarii Clibanarii (former Equites Cataphractarii) have their stats doubled, and are reskinned with a new icon
  • Armoured archers have their stats doubled
  • All roman units and auxiliaries cost 45 credits to recruit and 9 to sustain
  • Romans have a new banner, new colors and much more variety in armors, helmets, shields (*)
  • Battle animations and finishing moves occure more frequently
  • The battle camera can now be lowered to the ground level
  • Roman armoured archers have now a slightly more effective bow
  • Damage of pila greatly increased
  • Catafractarii units, Jovianii and Herculianii naval transports are now Tour Hexaremes

  • French language localized version
  • La version française des textes peut-être téléchargée ICI

    I plan to work on this mod on a regular basis and I will update it often.
    Though, all my modifications will remain 100% savegame compatible.

    (*) Some textures reworks comes from "Empire Divided Roman Variation" by RobbStark
    You can reach it from HERE
    Thanks to him for allowing me to use them!