[Project AVA][Female Body & Skin Overhaul]

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Author: EtherealShigure

Last revision: 5 Apr at 10:31 UTC

File size: 19.27 MB

On Steam Workshop


Welcome. This, is Project AVA

The Evolution Of the Cute Replacer. The direction it was Always Heading to
This Is the Default PZ Body Size Version ~

V2 Encorporates The Curvy Body Structure Mod ~ Coming Soon ~

The Most Aesthetic Female Body Mod ~
AVA Features ~

  • Rendered Eyelash’s
  • Rendered EyeBrows’s
  • Full Rebuilt Facial Structure
  • Subtle Jawline~
  • A Fully Rebuilt Mouth Section, Mimicking Real Facial Structure
  • A Fully Rebuilt Nose, Nose bridge, Nose to Mouth Soft Palette ~
  • Model / Texture Pixel~Fix at About 95%
  • A Real Smile ~ <3

Support Ash’s Journey [ko-fi.com]

~ AVA V2 Coming Soon ~ <3

All of My Armor Mods Should OutRight Fit AVA V1

AVA V2 Curvy WIll Need Armor Patching ~ !

Project AVA Works Best Along Side

Body Mods can Only Be installed and Active One at a Time ~ !
Please Only Ever install One ~ !

Activate The Mod ~ Restart your Game & Be Wonderful <3

Join The Mod Haven Discord [discord.gg]


Ask for permission
This mod can only be added to and extended with the express permission from the original creator. Having received permission, credit must be given to the original creator, both within the files of the mod and wherever the mod roams online.

If no permission is received you may not alter the mod, and it must be treated as a mod that is ‘On Lockdown’.

If this is used for rendering Purposes. Credit Must Be Clearly Stated ~ Linking back to This Page

Comments Will Get Nuked if Unconstructive. Why? Some just Cannot be Civilised.
The Workshop Is Meant to Be A Place For All Modding. Un Constructive FeedBack Ruins it for all. Make it A Space People Can Read And Enjoy things Safely.

The Uncanny Valley Effect. Info.

Turning the Player Body, That has Been Sliced to Bits By IndieStone, Atleast, Facially in my case

And Not Only reversing it, But rebuilding it, And improving it tenfold, While
Attempting to keep a balance of aesthetic’s And Also Not take it, Too Far,
Eg: Anime esque, Or Overly Non PG Additions.

Most Would Come to an Impasse.

The Uncanny Valley Effect.

Zomboid’s Player model Was Heavily Flawed, Add on top,
The Original PZ Skin Made for it, Flawed After being Made Based on the Damaged Model

These are Only Truly Visible In Larger Scale, Ie, Render’s Or Animated Gif’s Etc.

This Model, And Skin Already Has the Fixes Required to Minimise that Model Flaw, However.
Lowpoly Model’s of Human like Things, Will Spark the effect For different people.
i Put Weeks Into Minimising this, And yet Essentially,
This is already the Best ( 95% ) of what one could Achieve To reduce the Issue ( *See Exception 1 )

Several Hundred Hours went into Well over, 150 Odd Iterations, to get the result you see.

If your Comment is Related to this? Keep it constructive. And If you have experience in Modding, I will Listen.

Exception 1

Make things more 3d. Sounds Simple, But it Is not sadly.
Limited to Mainly, Her Eye’s.

This will Happen. And Soon. But I am striving to Keep a balance, of triCount, Etc Where Possible.
Prior to this happening, I have Tried Everything else Already to mitigate That.

~ Ash

Workshop ID: 3212977434
Mod ID: YouLookLonelyIcanFixThat