TSOD: Cecil Empire Civilization

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Author: 尊者

Last revision: 2 Jun at 09:07 UTC

File size: 101.19 MB

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My first ever MOD, dedicated to one of my three favorite web novels, and to this monster captivates and consumes my time.
This MOD adds the civilization Cecil Empire from the online novel "The Sword of Dawn", including the leader, Gawain Cecil, and his team.

Civilization: Cecil Empire
Unique ability: Quantifying the Truth

Upon first completing a special district, or a campus building, receive a unique Great Person of Cecil. +1 science to improved quarries. +3 faith to correctly improved Niter.

Unique unit: Gorgon Platform

Cecil’s Atomic era support unit, replaces drone. Adds +1 range and +5 bombard strength to siege units within 1 hex. Can heal adjacent units.

Unique building: Mana Obelisk

Cecil’s unique building, replacing Monuments. Provides +2 Science, +2 Production, and +1 Amenity. All districts receive an additional standard adjacency bonus. After researching Electricity, it doubles the base yield of all buildings.

Unique units: Great People of Cecil

* The specified district or building in (brackets) denotes the unit granted upon the first construction.

Amber (Capital/City Center)

Cecil’s unique recon unit, automatically received upon establishing the Capital and cannot be produced. She starts with a vision range of 4 but has extremely weak combat strength. When killed, retreats with 1 HP to the nearest city.

Great Scientist Rebecca Cecil (Capmus)

Has 3 charges: Instantly complete the currently researching technology.

Great Scientist Jennie Perro (Library)

Instantly complete the Mathematics technology. Has 2 charges: Construct a Mana Obelisk in the City Center.

Great Scientist Santis Saide (University)

Immediately build a university and a library in this district. This city gains +4 Science. All cities with a university receive +1 Amenity.

Great Scientist Kamel Slayen (Research Lab)

Trigger a Eureka moment for the Electricity technology. Trigger an Inspiration moment for the Cultural Heritage civic. Each artifact in this city grants 350 Science (at standard speed).

Great Governor/Great Scientist Hettie Cecil (Government Plaza)

Activate: Refund 1 coal after building a railroad. Passive: When the unit is at or adjacent to city center, reduce 20% cost when purchasing units in this city.

Great Patriarch Leite Aviken (Holy Site)

Activate: If this city follows any religion, gain 0.5 faith per population. Passive: +5 religious combat strength within 2 tiles adjacent to Grand Patriarch.

Great General Sir Philip (Encampment)

Active: +1 range and +3 Bombard Strength to siege units vs. units, instead of the debuff. Passive: Land units within two tiles gain +5 Combat Strength.

Great Admiral Byron Kirk (Harbor)

Activate: Has 2 charges, gain 1 envoy. Passive: +5 Combat Strength to naval units within 2 tiles.

Great Merchant Pitman Lauren (Commercial District)

Active: Grants 2 Potion, a uniquely manufactured Luxury resource which provides +4 Amenities. Passive: Adjacent allies restore 25 health.

Great Playwright Felm (Theater Square)

Produces "The Immigrants" and "The Beacon Fire".

Great Scientist Norris (Preserve)

Has 2 charges, the city gains 20% growth, stackable. Rice and wheat plots gain +1 food each.

Leader: Gawain Cecil
Leader’s Ability: The Sword of Dawn

After recruiting a Great Person, gain an extra 20% in that type’s Great Person points per turn. Each additional Great Person of the same type adds 10% more, up to 100% extra. Also, Cecil’s Great People boost their type’s point output of their recruitment region.

Recommended Playstyle

tldr: Science Victory, Domination Victory Gawain has a gameplay focused on magitech and recruiting great people. Players need to obtain culture points through pantheons in the early game to offset the disadvantage of not being able to build monuments. Once players can build the Mana Obelisk, they can gain significant district adjacency bonuses through strategic planning and unlock relatively free development paths. The first time a unique district is built, it grants a corresponding great person. These great people provide tactical bonuses that can change the game. Players can build barracks to obtain Sir Philip and unlock a conquest playstyle focused on artillery saturation bombing; build holy sites to unlock Leite and, with religious tenets, use faith points to support civilization; combine government plaza, industrial zone, commercial hub, or preserve to efficiently develop population and increase tile yields; or continue developing technology to gain massive bonuses from great people granted by the campus district buildings. No matter which playstyle the player chooses, recruiting as many great people as possible and gaining great person point bonuses in the respective fields is essential.


Given that I am a heavy MOD player, I have tested with approximately 150 community MODs, including ‘Harmony in Diversity’. If there are any issues, it is highly likely that the issue lies with you, not me. If you don’t believe me, please provide the list of MODs and the Database.log, Lua.log files in the comment section.


Most assets are from the game itself and status from the novel’s author, 远瞳, on Bilibili. A small portion of the icons are generated using AI. Please contact for removal in case of any infringement.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Hemmelfort and Sukritact for their tutorials, tools, and knowledge base. Thanks to Sukritact for the Ingolfur Arnarson mod, Ophidy for the Azur Lane: Ironblood faction mod, and the creators of ‘Harmony in Diversity’ and ‘Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party’ mods for their technical references. Thanks to Civilopedia and Civilization Fandom for providing detailed information. Special thanks to ChatGPT4.0.