和谐后宫(Harmonious harem)

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Author: Eriri EX

Last revision: 4 Jun at 14:02 UTC

File size: 554.54 KB

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Usage: Create a [Persuader] in alchemy (requires alchemy level1 and 3 sheets of paper)
By using this mod, it is possible to repair the relationship between two roles (based on the player’s charm attribute), so that they are no longer hostile and will no longer attack or poison each other (attacks can cause injury, poisoning may cause death)
Can allow two roles to impart skills to each other
Of course, you can also play some other tricks, such as actively persuading two roles to get married or divorce, or actively persuading them to have children
In addition, player can also act as passive parties and have children with role (male player also can do this. Actually, player has no gender)
(After each use of this feature, a special item will be given to facilitate raising the player’s own child.)