Factions Plus

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Author: PooSpider

Last revision: 2 Oct, 2023 at 08:57 UTC

File size: 155.3 MB

On Steam Workshop


Small update 2/10/23: Added two new/better aircraft sprites to Japan


Adds a lot of new factions to the roster (to date, 13 complete).

– Australia
– People’s Army of North Vietnam
– People’s Liberation Army (China)
– Argentina
– Egypt
– Israel
– Iran
– South Korea (ROKA/Marines)
– Japan
– South Vietnam (ARVN)
– Cuba
– Taiwan (ROCA/Marines)
– Mongolia

Hundreds of new sprites, both reskinned and custom made. New units and formations meticulously researched and adapted into the game as accurately as feasible. Some new unit types adapted, e.g motorcycle scout, man-portable rocket artillery, flame launcher infantry, etc. Virtually all combat vehicles used by the new factions and workable unit types from the ingame period of 1965 – 1991 have been added: e.g Israel has several halftrack variants as mortar carriers and SP AA-guns. Some minor liberties taken in the name of playability: e.g, ROKA infantry given slightly more M67 recoilless rifles than issued historically.

Drop any feedback (errors, suggestions etc) into the comments section below if you feel like it.

To use the mod, simply select the ‘change settings’ option when booting up the game, then select ‘Factions Plus’ from the custom database dropdown list. DLC not required, although strongly encouraged to support the developers, not to mention the new factions, maps, campaigns and battles which make it well worth it.