[New Year Storm:1] Group North

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Author: Dr. Just Some Homeless Guy

Last revision: 1 Nov, 2019 at 01:12 UTC

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On Steam Workshop


8.00 hours, December 31st, 1994

This large (4+ hour) scenario depicts the initial positions of Group North – the most heavily-engaged (and, historically, least successful) of the four groups of Russian federal forces that began their assault on Grozny on New Year’s Eve 1994.

MISSION: Capture key objectives in downtown Grozny, including key government buildings, intersections and the main rail station. Your operations area is between those of Group Northeast and Group West on your flanks, and extends to the west bank of the Sunzha river (areas on the other side of which are assigned to Group East).

CONDITIONS: Dawn; fair weather (overcast sky), cool, damp. The sky conditions have forced helicopter operations this morning to be scrubbed. Air support is available but very limited as well.

FORCES: Group North’s forward line today is made up of two major units: the 131 Independent Motor Rifle Brigade, and the 81st Motor Rifle Regiment. Both are comprised of a pair of Motor Rifle battallions equipped with BMP Infantry Fighting Vehicles (mainly BMP-1P in the 131 Brigade, and BMP-2 in the 81 Regiment), and a single Tank Battalion (equipped with the older T-72A in the 131 Brigade, and a mix of standard T-80B and upgraded T-80BV in 81 Regiment). Note that all units are somewhat under their nominal strength, and 131 Brigade in particular has a shortage of infantry dismounts for their BMPs.

The force is organized into four strike groups, each built around one of the 131 Brigade’s and 81 Regiment’s Motor Rifle Battalions, with attached tanks from their respective units, and additional support assets. 131 Brigade’s 1st Battallion is furthest west and has just secured a crossing over the Neftyanka river next to the local experimental farm; the Brigade’s scout company reports that the bridge here was mined, but they were able to remove the explosives without incident. The other three strike groups are all currently located in the vicinity of the Severny (Northern) Airport and the Rodina (Motherland) Collective Farm.

ENEMY FORCES: The precise numbers and locations of enemy forces are unknown, but it is expected that the bulk of separatist forces are currently on the other side of the Sunzha River – here, Group East has already moved out in the past hour and is engaging the enemy, meaning that Dudayev’s forces are not likely to redeploy in large numbers to meet your assault. Still, you should be careful – an assault by the anti-Dudayev militias last month was soundly beaten by well-armed militants who dispatched tanks with RPG shots from prepared positions in buildings near key intersections. You should expect the same type of opposition today.

NOTE: Requires the following files to play
Chechnya database mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436
Grozny map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436

Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

Chechnya: Database Mod (v0.60)Steam Workshop
Chechnya: Grozny MapSteam Workshop