[New Year Storm:2] Northern Defense

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Author: Dr. Just Some Homeless Guy

Last revision: 1 Nov, 2019 at 01:19 UTC

File size: 151.07 KB

On Steam Workshop


~ 11.15 hours, December 31st, 1994

This large (3-5 hour) scenario depicts the actions on the northern side of Grozny on New Year’s Eve, from the Chechen separatist perspective – beginning just at the point where Russian reconaissance actions on the outskirts of town had turned into a full-scale assault by the forces of Group North. This was not the expected direction of the main attack, and forces deployed in this part of the city were limited – but they quickly proved themselves able to mount a ruthless defense…

MISSION: Defend key objectives at the center of Grozny – but not at any cost. Your main goal is to inflict losses on the Russians and ensure that once they’re engaged in the city, they can no longer get out safely. Trap them and make them pay.

CONDITIONS: Cool, with overcast cloud. Enemy air support is likely to be limited (though a couple of strikes have already taken place on the other side of the city earlier in the morning).

SITUATION: When the Russian federal forces approached Grozny, it initially appeared that their main assault direction (if they were to assault at all) would be from the east. The bulk of the Chechen forces thus moved to the east bank of the Sunzha river and prepared fighting positions; CRI president Dzhokhar Dudayev also moved his HQ to the village of Aldy nearby. However, the primary military command post remained at the Presidential Palace downtown, in the hands of Vice-Prezident Zemilkhan Yandarbiyev and Chief of Staff Aslan Maskhadov.

SEPARATIST FORCE: Alongside a portion of the Presidential Guard and a few detachments from the Shali Tank Regiment, the Melkhi Destroyer Regiment and the Abkhaz Brigade also kept watch on the northern sections of town, under the leadership of die-hard extremist commanders Ruslan Gelayev and Shamil Basayev respectively. It is these forces that should be prepared to defend the northern approaches to town, as well as the government district and rail station.

ENEMY FORCES: The Russians’ Group North consists of three brigade-sized units (131st Brigade, 276th Brigade, and 81st Regiment), of which two (the 131st and 81st) are in the front line (276th is in reserve and takes no part in this scenario). You should be expecting somewhere around 50 tanks and over a hundred other vehicles (mainly BMP-1/2s). Needless to say, this is a massive force – but we believe that they are not in the best of shape, with their soldiers cold and demoralized, and their equipment rather shoddy and worn down by the 3 years of neglect since the Soviet Union collapsed. Still, fighting on their terms – they will be a deadly force. Make them fight on yours instead!

NOTE: Requires the following files to play
Chechnya database mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436
Grozny map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436

Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

Chechnya: Database Mod (v0.60)Steam Workshop
Chechnya: Grozny MapSteam Workshop