Chechnya: Database Mod (v0.60)

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Author: Dr. Just Some Homeless Guy

Last revision: 31 Oct, 2019 at 23:00 UTC

File size: 8.73 MB

On Steam Workshop


This mod includes a custom set of units, weapons and formations. It is intended to model combat during the Chechen Conflict, fought in the Russian-dominated region of the North Caucasus – currently focusing mainly on the Chechen Civil War (1994) and the First Chechen War (1994-1996), with a more limited ability to represent the Second Chechen War (1999-200x) as well.

The current version includes a single era (1993-2000), and features three faction: the Russian Federation (representing Russian military forces – including regular Army, Airborne and Spetznaz units, and Interior troops – in the early post-Soviet period); the Chechen Republic (representing the separatist forces of the breakaway republic, Russia’s opponent in this conflict); and the Chechen Opposition (a minor side, meant to mainly represent pro-Russian militias who fought a brief and unsuccessful civil war against the Chechen Republic just before the main Russian invasion in 1994 – they can also be used to represent weaker separatist militias when used against Russia).

This mod provides a distinct experience from "normal" armored brigade, with a heavy focus on urban, asymmetrical combat. The main combat sides differ drastically – with the Russian military as a largely conventional, heavily-equipped force suffering from poor morale and supply; while the Chechen separatists operate a mixed force with some limited conventional capabilities (including limited amounts of armor forces), and a very capable irregular force of heavily-armed guerrillas.
To use this mod (and any scenarios built for it), you must activate this database using the "settings" menu, which you can access game’s launch menu (before you launch it). Select "Chechnya" instead of "[default]", or any other database that you are using.

Note: This is Part 1 of the complete mod package. It is intended to be used with maps and and scenarios for the mod (and though it can be used on its own, it’s not a great fit for the standard Armored Brigade maps!)

You can get all the parts at once by subscribing to this Workshop item collection:


For info on this mod and more, please see the official thread on the Matrix Games forums: