[Caliber-10:2] Fear’s Third Barrier

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Author: Dr. Just Some Homeless Guy

Last revision: 1 Nov, 2019 at 00:27 UTC

File size: 15.44 KB

On Steam Workshop



12.30 hours, New Year’s Eve
The Russians are coming – and not from the direction originally expected! The CRI Military’s Chief of Staff, Aslan Maskhadov, is hurriedly redeploying forces to the west bank of the Sunzha river to meet Group North’s assault. Get the fighters and militiamen in position, and defend the Presidential Palace!

SCENARIO SIZE: Small (~1 hour of play)
TYPE: Meeting Engagement
CONDITIONS: Day/Cloudy (fair)/Wet Ground
NOTE: Good starting scenario for the Chechen separatist side – challenging and eventful, but quick to play.

”Those arriving in Grozny then gathered at Minutka Square, in the south part of the city. Here, one could already feel the real stench of war – not often, but sometimes, tank shells struck nearby high-rise buildings. […] Arriving in the city could be considered crossing the first barrier of fear. But motivating people to go into the center of town, where the battle was, proved difficult. [Chechen Forces’ Chief of Staff] Maskhadov would send his representatives to call up forces towards the main HQ. Each deputy would address the groups of militia, and then took those who dared to take up the struggle towards downtown. […] Along the way, some of the volunteers would fall behind or turn away into alleys and building doorways. So, by the time they reached the bridge over the Sunzha, there were often only 5-7 men left – and they could be listed among those who crossed fear’s second barrier.
All that remained was to cross the bridge, to the right of which was the Ministers’ Council building (SOVMIN), and to the left opposite to it – the Presidential Palace, where the main HQ was located. […] And those that dared to cross it, overcame fear’s third barrier. For the ones who pushed themselves onward and reached their battle positions, a new level of trials awaited…”

When the Russian federal forces approached Grozny, it initially appeared that their main assault direction (if they were to assault at all) would be from the east. The bulk of the Chechen forces thus moved to fighting positions there; although the separatists’ primary command remained at the Presidential Palac

The expected attack from the east did materialize on December 31st – but proved underwhelming, and began to be suspected of having been a feint all along. This was soon compounded by actions on the northern outskirts – but the enemy columns didn’t stop there, instead rolling right down the city’s main thoroughfares on the north side. As their intent became apparent, Chechen fighters shifted into the downtown core (where they did have pre-planned positions) as quickly as they could.

NOTE: Requires the following files to play
Chechnya database mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436
Grozny map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436

Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

Chechnya: Database Mod (v0.60)Steam Workshop
Chechnya: Grozny MapSteam Workshop