[Caliber-10:4] Pavlov’s House

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Author: Dr. Just Some Homeless Guy

Last revision: 1 Nov, 2019 at 00:31 UTC

File size: 19.88 KB

On Steam Workshop



c.16.00 hours, New Year’s Eve
As the final evening of 1994 approaches, Russian forces have been beaten out of most of the downtown core, and have now ”circled the wagons” around the Central Rail Station. For the past couple of hours, the Chechen combatants have been fighting a heated battle here, with the key position being inside a five-storey building directly opposite to the station – already dubbed ‘Pavlov’s House’ by the opponent. Like its famous counterpart in Stalingrad, this position has successfully tied up a much larger enemy force – but the one difference from Staligrad’s Pavlov House was that in Grozny, it was not the Russians occupying it…

Our forces have pulled back a few minutes ago to regroup, so the Russians are getting a quick break – but this won’t be for long. Time has come to reoccupy ‘our’ Pavlov’s House and clear the path for a final assault on the station. The Russians are pinned down and won’t last long!

SCENARIO SIZE: Small (~1 hour of play)
MISSION: Capture the Central Rail Station, and the adjacent freight yards
CONDITIONS: Cloudy, Sunset approaching
NOTE: This scenario is small, but difficult.

After their assault on downtown Grozny was defeated, Russian forces were ordered to fall back to a defensive position at the rail station. Far from all had made it – some are still holed up in the city blocks, while others broke out and left the city on their own – but at least two dozen armored vehicles and perhaps two hundred troops are thought to be occupying this perimeter near the tracks. From 14.00 hours onwards, CRI forces have gone on the offensive and have been inflicting serious casualties on the Russians, mostly still from RPG fire at close range. High-rise buildings immediately north of the station have provided good cover from which to do so; particularly the very solidly-built DGB (state security) building, the 12-storey high-rise next to it, and the 5-storey apartment block directly across the square from the rail station – which the Russians have dubbed ‘Pavlov’s House’. If the pressure can be kept up for a bit longer – the Russians may be convinced to give up and surrender before nightfall.

NOTE: Requires the following files to play
Chechnya database mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436
Grozny map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436

Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

Chechnya: Database Mod (v0.60)Steam Workshop
Chechnya: Grozny MapSteam Workshop