[Caliber-10:8] Savin’s Gauntlet

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Author: Dr. Just Some Homeless Guy

Last revision: 1 Nov, 2019 at 00:47 UTC

File size: 25.94 KB

On Steam Workshop



c.17.00, January 1st 1995
The end has finally arrived – the battle for the rail station is over. Unable to hold it any longer, 131 Brigade’s commander Col. Ivan Savin (callsign ‘Caliber-10’) believes he’s done all he could – the troops and vehicles that could evacuate more safely have already been sent ahead. All that’s left now is to load up the many wounded from the station onto the last running BMPs, and make a run back to their original staging area north of the city. The odds don’t look good – but Savin figures it’s the best chance they have. Can you save the brigade commander and his wounded men?

SCENARIO SIZE: Small (<1 hour)
MISSION: Escape (reach objective)
CONDITIONS: Cool, Cloudy, Dusk approaching – Significant damage from shelling in city
NOTE: Mission uses extensive ‘no-entry’ zones – check map! In order to simulate this unusual scenario, your forces and the AI can only move through a very limited ‘corridor’ from one end of the map to the other.
*Given the (very unusual, for Armored Brigade) nature of this mission – you do not need to play it through to the end. Once all your units that can still move have reached the objective, feel free to press ‘End Battle’. A ‘Draw’ result for this one should be considered a player success!

By early afternoon of January 1st, it was clear that the attempts to relieve 131 Brigade’s commander and his troops trapped at the rail station had failed. The only choice was to evacuate. But with dozens of wounded on site (including himself), brigade commander Col. Savin could not just walk away. Using artillery and continuing the fight at the station, he’d sent the few remaining tanks ahead to evacuate some of the casualties at high speed. Then, as sunset approached – he ordered the wounded to be loaded into the last remaining BMPs still in working condition…

callsign Caliber-10: Col. Ivan Savin, 131st Brigade CO
callsign Slitok-11: Maj-Gen. Konstantin Pulikovskiy, Group North CO
[Caliber-10]: We have to get out of here immediately! That’s it, ****… we’re already… ****ing nailed here… What will be my next objective, over?
[Slitok-11]: I will confirm [in a moment]!
[Caliber-10]: [unclear]… over!
[Caliber-10]: [unclear]… over! Confirm my next objective!
[Slitok-11]: I am confirming, confirming! We cannot give you an objective now, right now [unclear] figuring it out!
[Caliber-10]: Objective… now… I am about to be ****ing ***ed over here, ****, already, to all ****ing ****!

NOTE: Requires the following files to play
Chechnya database mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436
Grozny map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903544436

Required items:

Click the title to search on this site.

Chechnya: Database Mod (v0.60)Steam Workshop
Chechnya: Grozny MapSteam Workshop