Guerrilla for LWotC

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Author: worldsoul15

Last revision: 16 Jun at 17:30 UTC

File size: 28.76 KB

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The Guerrilla

A new Class Mod for Xcom 2 War of the Chosen specifically designed for the Mod Jam for Long War of the Chosen environment.

The Guerrilla is a master of ambushes, highlighting priority targets with their holotargeter before blasting away unsuspecting advent with shotgun blasts.

The perk tree for the Guerrilla is as follows:

Starting perks:

  • Covert: Enemies have a 25% reduced detection range.
  • Phantom: this unit is not revealed when the squad is revealed.
  • Holotarget: mark an enemy with your holotargeter.
  • Trench Gun: fire your shotgun in a cone in front of you. Blocked by cover. Costs one ammo, Four turn cooldown.

Lance Corporal:

  • Open Fire: gain +10 aim and crit chance against enemies at full health
  • Rapid Targeting: mark a target as a free action once every four turns. Holotargeting does not end the turn.
  • Slug Shot: a directed attack with your shotgun that ignores range penalties and pierces two armor. three turn cooldown.


  • Predator: gain +15 aim and crit chance against flanked or exposed enemies
  • Preservation: gain +15 defense for two turns after concealment is broken
  • Close Combat Specialist: fire a reaction shot against any enemy that moves or attacks within four tiles. Activates once per enemy per turn.


  • Surprise: +2 damage on attacks from stealth, +1 damage against flanked enemies.
  • Hi-def Holo: Holotargeted enemies are easier to crit.
  • Shredder: attacks against enemies shred armor

Staff Sergeant:

  • Fearsome: critical hits have a 33% chance to panic enemies within six tiles.
  • Multitargeting: holotarget a group of enemies.
  • Reposition: gain a move-only action after shooting a flanked or exposed target once per turn.

Tech Sergeant:

  • Conceal: reenter concealment once per mission.
  • Vital Point Targeting: holotargeted enemies take additional damage.
  • Thousands to Go: killing a target gives you a non-movement action once per turn.

Gunnery Sergeant

  • Shadowborn: enemies have a -33% detection radius. Attacks agaist enemies that cannot see you gain +15 aim and crit chance.
  • Independent Tracking: holotargeting applied by this soldier lasts for two turns
  • Untouchable: killing an enemy will make the next attack against you automatically miss

Master Sergeant

  • Street Sweeper: deals damage in a medium cone. Blocked by heavy cover. Requires two ammo. Deals extra damage to unarmoured targets. Five turn cooldown.
  • Watchful Eye: take a reaction shot at any enemy that you holotargeted. Only triggers once per turn per holotargeted enemy.
  • Rapid Fire: fire twice at an enemy with a -15 aim penalty. Cannot be used twice on the same turn.

Xcom deck:

the Xcom deck for the Guerrilla can be found here:

Known Issues

None currently

Feedback and critique

Feedback and critique are heavily appreciated. I am looking to improve this class, and am looking for reports on balance issues and potential bugs.