Armored Simple Weapon Turrets

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Author: mcs175

Last revision: 13 Feb, 2023 at 03:39 UTC

File size: 44.01 MB

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Armored simple weapon turrets for modern to futuristic-styled builds. This is a re-release and update to my original "Armored AA Cannons" mod from 2020. The number of turrets has doubled, and many changes, primarily cosmetic have been made to the original turrets.

UPDATE 2/12/23 –
Fixed the issues with 37mm, 40mm, and 57mm sounds.

Added two new turrets in both metal and alloy versions – the 30mm twin and the 57mm DP turret

Improved the mesh on the 40mm quad turret, and adjusted the max elevation to stop clipping issues.

There will be a few updates released as I continue to tweak the stats in the name of balance. If you have tried this out and have specific suggestions, please leave a comment here, or find me on the modding chat channel on the Discord server.

There are 12 new turrets added to this mod, all are armored to varying degrees, and are somewhat more powerful than the standard simple weapons, and generally have a higher material price to match this.

Items included

Simple shell turrets:

Quad 23mm turret – loosely based off of ZSU 23-4

Twin 30mm turret – highly compact, high rate of fire, medium accuracy. Based off of the 30mm AK-230 turret

Twin 30mm Gatling turret – good for use as a CIWS, large magazine and fast tracking loosely based on the Russian Kashtan CIWS

37mm Gatling turret – more shell power, slower tracking and less armor, inspired by the US T249 cannon prototype

Quad 40mm bofors turret – dome turret, upgraded version on the in-game quad 40mm

57mm Single DP Turret – reasonably average medium caliber turret, loosely based off of the 57mm Bofors turret

Twin 57mm turret – potent, but expensive, high velocity high powered 57mm shells, very fast tracking. Somewhat based off the German Gepard AA turret, with guns of the ZSU-57-2

Twin 65mm cannon turret – flat dome turret, good general purpose gun firing medium velocity shells with some AP and explosive power

Custom (APS) shell turrets:

Twin 75mm turret – fires 16 round bursts of .8m shells, accuracy is not super high

Twin 90mm turret – fires 8 round bursts of 1.2m shells, highly armored, loosely styled off the AK-130 turret

Twin 105mm turret – fires 6 round bursts of 1.8m shells, good armor/health, made to look like an "automated" version of the WWII German SK C/33 turret

127mm DP turret – the most expensive, and could be primary armament on light ships etc, fires 10 round bursts of 2m shells, loosely based on the US 5"/62 Mark 45

Quad 23mm
Damage: 210 kinetic (8AP) 25 explosive
Shell Speed: 875m/s
Fire rate: 4000RPM
Dispersion: 0.3°
Magazine: 80 rounds 5 sec reload
Elevation: 67 to -10
Health: 3000, AC 30
Tracking Speed: 90°/s

Twin 30mm
Damage: 225 kinetic (10AP) 33 explosive
Shell Speed: 1050m/s
Fire rate: 2000RPM
Dispersion: 0.6°
Magazine: 100 rounds 4.5 sec reload
Elevation: 87 to -10
Health: 3750, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 45°/s

Twin 30mm gatling
Damage: 220 kinetic (8AP) 33 explosive
Shell Speed: 1000m/s
Fire rate: 3750RPM
Dispersion: 0.35°
Magazine: 200 rounds 6 sec reload
Elevation: 73 to -12
Health: 3000, AC 30
Tracking Speed: 120°/s

37mm gatling
Damage: 275 kinetic (5AP) 75 explosive
Shell Speed: 950m/s
Fire rate: 1200RPM
Dispersion: 0.32°
Magazine: 50 rounds 4.5 sec reload
Elevation: 88 to -15
Health: 3000, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 67.5°/s

Quad 40mm
Damage: 300 kinetic (8AP) 95 explosive
Shell Speed: 1030m/s
Fire rate: 706RPM
Dispersion: 0.3°
Magazine: 40 rounds 5 sec reload
Elevation: 85 to -8
Health: 5000, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 70°/s

Single 57mm DP
Damage: 415 kinetic (16AP) 121 explosive
Shell Speed: 1035m/s
Fire rate: 400RPM
Dispersion: 0.5°
Magazine: 40 rounds 6 sec reload
Elevation: 72 to -10
Health: 4200, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 150°/s

Twin 57mm
Damage: 330 kinetic (13AP) 121 explosive
Shell Speed: 1000m/s
Fire rate: 400RPM
Dispersion: 0.1°
Magazine: 20 rounds 4 sec reload
Elevation: 90 to -10
Health: 6000, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 150°/s

Twin 65mm
Damage: 430 kinetic (20AP) 178 explosive
Shell Speed: 450m/s
Fire rate: 200RPM
Dispersion: 0.32°
Magazine: 20 rounds 8 sec reload
Elevation: 41 to -5
Health: 6250, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 60°/s

Twin 75mm
Magazine: 16 rounds 8.5 sec reload
Guns: 240RPM, 0.8m max shells, 3.64M barrels
Elevation: 80 to -8
Health: 6500, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 65°/s

Twin 90mm
Magazine: 8 rounds 8 sec reload
Guns:181RPM 1.2m max shells, 4M barrels
Elevation: 85 to -10
Health: 8000, AC 45
Tracking Speed: 45°/s

Twin 105mm
Magazine: 6 rounds 4 sec reload
Guns: 96RPM 1.8m max shells, 7M barrels
Elevation: 75 to -12
Health: 7100, AC 40
Tracking Speed: 50°/s

127mm DP
Magazine: 10 rounds 5 sec reload
Guns: 60RPM, 2m max shells, 6M barrel
Elevation: 85 to -15
Health: 12000, AC 45
Tracking Speed: 50°/s