Tiny Tanks Adventure

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Author: Samson

Last revision: 18 Dec, 2023 at 13:30 UTC

File size: 18.81 MB

On Steam Workshop


Nearly 100 craft from 6 factions
Faction Leads: Samson, CowSoCool37, 22ry, Cherryuwu, Fallecy, HMS Warspite
Other Builders: Strivy, Nianor, DerGrafZeppelin, WRΞNCH, Jewel, uriyuzhui, skigear, chriswells667
Cover image courtesy of JustaWrench

This is an adventure featuring an extremely low volume limit with an emphasis on modular tank combat, forcing players to deploy specialized units such as dedicated anti-air and artillery.
You can find additional information about the project here[docs.google.com]

⬥ 250 max volume
⬥ No EMP
⬥ No exploits/bug abuse (i.e. no spinclipping, roomba drives, etc.)
⬥ Banned Blocks: Repair bots, ion thrusters/steam jets, melee weapons
⬥ Carriers are allowed but do not use tractor beams to combine craft to circumvent the volume limit

How to install TTA
Step 1. Press subscribe
Step 2. From the FtD main menu go to the ‘Content’ tab and press ‘Download’ under Planets
(If it does not appear check to ensure you are subscribed and press the refresh button)
Step 3. Select Tiny Tanks Adventure from the download menu and press ‘Install Planet’

How to start an adventure
Step 1. From the FtD main menu go to ‘Create & Learn’ and right click the ‘Designer mode’ button
Step 2. Press ‘…Browse other planets’ then click on the folder with your username, select Tiny Tanks Adventure, and then press ‘Launch Land Designer’
Step 3. Press escape and go back to the main menu
Step 4. Go to ‘Single player’ and press ‘New adventure’