Components – Governments

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Author: Iska and Ismet

Last revision: 13 Aug, 2023 at 15:46 UTC

File size: 29.79 MB

On Steam Workshop


Adds a Governments System. Completely different from my other Governments system, which was taken out of Empires Ascendant and suffered from a number of the same issues as EA, this one is completely new and written from the ground up as separate and a bit sleeker. All the Governments have voiced quotes from Leonard Nimoy. Intended to be cleaner and less of a major new system and more of a flavorful accompaniment to the existing systems. Designed for and included in (with updates) Il Principe.

In the future when AI is a lil bit better and practically free, I’ll replace the voiced Leonard Nimoy quotes with the voice of William Morgan Sheppard, and get the AI to generate culturally and aesthetically appropriate consistent Government splashes in Craig Mullins’ beautiful Civ 5 wonder style, but for now, c’est la vie.



via Policy
Oligarchy – Oligarchy
Monarchy – Monarchy
Republic – Republic
Despotism – Military Tradition
Theocracy – Theocracy
Merchant Confederation – Merchant Confederacy
Merchant Republic – Mercantilism
Maritime Empire – Maritime Infrastructure

via Belief
Caliphate – Sharia (NEW)

via Wonder
Theocracy – Temple of Artemis
Merchant Republic – Petra
Theocratic Autocracy – Chichen Itza
Dynastic Monarchy – Pyramids
Shogunate – Himeji Castle
Papacy – Sistine Chapel
Sultanate – Alhambra
Raj – Taj Mahal
Bureaucratic Monarchy – Forbidden Palace
Divine Monarchy – Angkor Wat
Tsardom – Kremlin (NEW)

via Ideology (Adopt any Level 3 Tenet)
Democracy – Freedom
Fascism – Autocracy
Communism – Order

via Civilization
Khanate – Mongols
Theocratic Autocracy – Aztecs
Dynastic Monarchy – Egypt

Art Credits:
Craig Mullins – All Government Splashes, from either Civ 6, AoE III, or AoE IV.
Lord Tirian – Government Icon
Sukritact – Motherland Calls Icon (Replaces Kremlin, Kremlin is a new different Wonder.)