Landlord Mod

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Author: Scandal

Last revision: 27 Jul, 2023 at 13:31 UTC

File size: 27.17 MB

On Steam Workshop


Author: Scandal
Version 1.0

The Landlord-Mod combines the "hand over item" actions from my EggMod with some new features. I wanted to put more of my ideas into this mod, but unfortunately I didn’t had more time (for now).

This mod is localized in English and German (the other language versions use the English texts).

Please note: I have tested everything in Singleplayer. Please throw me a line when you stumble over bugs that I missed, especially in Multiplayer. I see what I can do when I find time, I promise.

New actions:
"Rent out a house" – unlocked from the start
You can offer sleeping berths in your unused living houses. NPCs can rent them for a night for a fee that is calculated with the building level and the social standing of the person. You will be notified when you receive money from a renter. However, you can switch of all messages from your rental houses. Please note that you will not become rich this way!
The paid fees are not listed in the buildings income post, sadly. For now you can find the income with your rental houses in your family budget book under "Services".

"Hire a matchmaker" – unlocked from the start
You can immediately marry a non-dynasty character of the opposite gender without romantic actions or engagement. Doing that is not cheap and you have to invest some influence as well.

"Make peace between enemies" – unlocked for the Sovereign
You can make two dynasties to like each other better.

"Spark a feud" – unlocked for the Sovereign
You can make two dynasties dislike each other.

"Hand over item" – unlocked from the start
The following items can be handed over to another character from the same dynasty:
AboutTalents1, AboutTalents2, Almanac, Antidote, ArgusEyeglasses, Axe, Bandage, Barleybread, BarrelBrewerBeer, BeltOfMetaphysics, BetrayedCaptain, BlackWidowPoison, Blanket, Bomb, BoneBracelet, BoneTalisman, BoozyBreathBeer, BreadRoll, Cake, ChickenCompanion, Cider, Comb, ConstructionPlan, Cookie, CopperBracelet, CouncilorsChain, CreamPie, Crossbow, Dagger, DarkTalisman, DartagnansFragrance, Diamond, DiamondStaff, DogCompanion, DrFaustusElixir, DrunkardBrewBeer, Egg, ElegantRapier, EndurenceDrink, FamilySword, FlatBread, FlowerBouqet, FlowerOfDiscord, FortuneCake, FriedChicken, FriedTrout, FruitCake, GemRing, GhostlyFog, Gingerbread, GoldChain, GrainPap, Grindstone, HaresPaw, HerbTea, IronBracelet, Juice, LeatherGloves, LockPicks, Longsword, LuckyStone, Mace, Mead, MedalOfHonor, MetalHammer, MoneyBag, MuralPainting, Nightcap, OakwoodRing, Obligation, PainKiller, ParalysisPoison, Perfume, PestAway, Pistol, Poem, PoisonDagger, PoisonTrap, PotionOfFateWomen, PowderOfHygeia, Purse, Rapier, RatCompanion, RoastBeef, RoastVenison, RoseWater, RubinStaff, Sausage, ShadowDagger, Shield, ShortSword, SignetGuildofCraftsmen, SignetGuildofMerchants, SignetRing, SilverChain, SilverRing, SkullLamp, SlateBoard, SlateTile, SlideRule, SmallBeer, SmokedPerch, SpinningTop, StatelyDispatch, StinkBomb, StoneSoldier, StrongDoorLatch, TalismanOfInspiration, ThrowingKnife, ToadExcrements, ToadSlime, Torch, WalkingStick, WarBanner, WashCloth, WeaponPoison, WheatBeer, WheatBread, WonderCure, WoodenShield

Please note: If the item is equipped the action will not work. If the target character has no space in their inventory, then the item will vanish. All item listed above now show the word "consumable" in the description window – don’t be confused: a sword is still a sword regardless of the word "consumable" 🙂

– try to make the sleeping berths fees visible in the building statistics
– sleeping berths could grant (or reduce) reputation and/or influence depending on the state of decay and/or addons(?)
– addons for more sleeping berhs in a building(?)
– price modifier for sleeping berths(?)
– NPCs look for a specific type of house to rent, e.g. nobles look for a Mansion(?)

I hope you like the mod 🙂