Jade Creek

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Author: Aperson

Last revision: 21 Jul at 10:09 UTC

File size: 13.13 MB

On Steam Workshop


A large river on the outskirts of Shang Tu. Set at night the moon overlooks the stage as the fight commences. Stage 5 in the original Freedom Planet.

As the conflict between the three kingdoms escalates three teenage girls are jailed for past crimes they have since tried to redeem themselves from under extremely harsh circumstances. However they have broken free from prison and the local policewoman isn’t very happy about this. Cut to the nearby river where the chase sequence happens.

This stage has two forms, a Basic variant that has a very wide main stage platform which fast characters will love as well as an Aether variant that acts as a recreation of Neera’s boss fight arena from Freedom Planet 1. You can even attack the ice walls and break them to create an opening to knock your opponents out of the stage!

The basic version of this stage features a few cameos. Some dragon girl and catgirl have escaped prison and a policewoman panda isn’t very happy about that and is giving chase. Neera will hunt down Lilac and Carol on her policeboat in the background of the stage while you are fighting, where she will be chasing either Lilac or Carol at random who are sprinting/riding as fast as possible along the waters surface to get away from the angry panda. These cameos will be altered if Lilac, Carol or Neera are actually fighting on the stage. If Neera is fighting the chase event won’t play out at all. If Lilac or Carol are fighting then they won’t appear in the chase sequence at all, if one of them is fighting the other will be chased by Neera in the background and if both Lilac and Carol are fighting Neera will be seeking them out in the background on her own.

The stage features 6 music tracks and uses ATalksToSelf’s music template, music tracks are taken from both games.

Music tracks are as follows:
1. Jade Creek 1 – Freedom Planet
2. Jade Creek 2 – Freedom Planet
3. Naolo Lake – Freedom Planet 2
4. Palace Courtyard – Freedom Planet 2
5. Mini-Boss theme – Freedom Planet
6. Major Boss theme – Freedom Planet
This stage is entirely custom sprited, with original FP1 screenshots referenced for some of the sprites and others improvised. Created for the 10th Anniversary. All rights to the series belong to GalaxyTrail and Ziyo Ling.

This stage is also available in SSL form.

All music originally composed by Leila "Woofle" Wilson.

Happy 10th Anniversary Freedom Planet!