Awesome Affinities

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Author: Ryika

Last revision: 5 Nov, 2015 at 22:57 UTC

File size: 15.27 KB

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Overhauls Affinity Bonuses to make them feel more interesting and unique.

This mod only works with the Rising Tide DLC.

If you don’t own Rising Tide, use this Version instead.

NOTE: Pictures above are from the Pre-Rising Tide Version.


Affinities and Hybrid-Affinites have been overhauled, tons of new Bonuses have been added and replaced to create to create a more unique Playstyle for each of the Affinities. Hybrid-Affinities have been redesigned to serve as alternative paths, a unique spin on the pure Affinities. Most of the hybrid-bonuses serve a more active role now – mainly due to them making different Improvements interesting – instead of passively increasing your health by absurd amounts), making the choice whether to go hybrid or pure a choice that actively transforms gameplay.

The Affinity Wheel is somewhat crowded now, don’t miss the fact that you can click the buttons below the wheel to see a table of the bonuses without having to do precision work with your mouse!


– Very much focused on Growth
– Few but tall Cities
– Strong Specialists
– Bonuses for High Health
– Defensive Playstyle
– Improvements: Biowell, Xenoscape


– Very versatile, gets smaller bonuses in many fields
– Relatively wide Empires that grow reasonably big
– Strongest internal Trading
– Uses basic Improvements that get stronger over time
– Improvements: Farm, Mine


– Focused on Energy
– Relatively wide Empires, usually don’t need too much Population
– Converts a small amount of it’s Energy income into Science
– Bonuses to Spying
– Small Synergies between scientific Progress and an Offensive Playstyle
– Improvements: Array, Node

Hybrid Affinities combine some of the bonuses of their pure Affinities and add a unique Spin to the playstyle:


– Great for growth/science-focused Coastal/Water Empires
– Has improved Domes that yield Food and Science, while also increasing the defensive capabilities of their Cities
– Can get Alien Preserves in Cities that usually don’t meet the ‘Land’-Requirement
– Faster Naval Movement later in the game
– Improvement: Dome


– Great for Empires that want to heavily focus on science
– Uses Growth Bonuses from Harmony and Energy Bonuses from Supremacy to sustain a science focused Empire
– Very strong in areas with many Affinity Resources
– Their raw Science can get them ahead during the midgame, but they can stagnate if not handled properly
– Improvement: Academy


– Heavily focused on productivity, by far the highest production rate over time.
– Will need to find some strong Health Bonuses if it wishes to stay healthy
– Great offensive Capabilities but needs to be careful with their health level, as too much negative health will stagger their production rate a lot
– Improvement: Manufactory

The overall Affinity Progression has been slowed down a bit, especially early on, and the Affinity Wonders have been pushed back to Affinity 17, so you’ll have more time to play around with fully-upgraded units. Expect games to take longer (not MUCH longer, but longer!) and to have more time to actually use the bonuses that get unlocked. There are also some ways to gain small amounts of Affinity per Turn now, so the need to gather up all the Affinity Technologies immediately is somewhat reduced.