Inflatable LifeRafts

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Authors: Teniente Vlaskovich, uli_build

Last revision: 14 Jun at 08:43 UTC

File size: 1.63 MB

On Steam Workshop


Inflatable LifeRafts Addon

The "Inflatable LifeRafts" addon introduces a collection of life-saving inflatable rafts for use in various scenarios. These versatile rafts are designed to provide a safe means of evacuation and survival during emergencies at sea or in water bodies. Whether you’re exploring uncharted waters, engaging in naval warfare, or simply enjoying a relaxing cruise, having an inflatable life raft onboard can be a lifesaver!


Wide Variety of Rafts
  • The addon includes a diverse range of inflatable life rafts, each with different capacities and specifications. Choose the one that best suits your needs and embark on your water adventures with confidence.

Upcoming rafts

  • More life rafts in general (if you have one feel free to submit a suggestion for us to add it to the addon!)

Global Usage
  • The Inflatable LifeRafts addon has been designed to be compatible with every vehicle. From naval vessels to pleasure boats, you can equip your favorite mode of transportation with these essential life-saving devices.

Is your vehicle compatible with this addon? Let us know and add this banner in the workshop description!

Simply past this in your workshop description :
[url=] [img][/img] [/url]

How to Use

Deploying the LifeRafts
  • First, make sure you have the "Inflatable LifeRafts" addon installed and activated in your game.
  • To spawn a life raft, you need to place a button with the following name: "lifeRaft type=[TYPE] max=[NUMBER]", where [NUMBER] its a number 1< for setting the maximum rafts your vehicle will be able to spawn, [TYPE] is a number representing the specific type of life raft you want to spawn. The position where the raft will be spawned will depend on the position of the button


    lifeRaft type="1" max="3"

    Please copy and paste this example. Make sure the first character is the l from lifeRaft. Be aware " " are compulsory
    You may find here an example of how to set it up

  • Once the button is in place, activate it during your gameplay to trigger the deployment process.
  • The life raft will automatically inflate and be ready to serve as a reliable buoyant platform for emergency situations or water adventures.

Once you are done

When you are done using a liferaft, like you might have been rescued, you can then delete it out of the world with the ?clean [id] command.
You can get the id of the liferaft by looking at it.

Note: The addon’s life rafts are designed for emergency use only. Please follow proper safety guidelines and procedures during any water-related activities.

Deploying the Evacuation Slides
  • First, make sure you have the "Inflatable LifeRafts" addon installed and activated in your game.
  • To spawn an evacuation slides, you need to place a button with the following name: "evac_slide type=[TYPE] order=[NUMBER]".


    evac_slide type="7" order="1"

    Please copy and paste this example. Make sure to press the buttons in the correct order, otherwise it wont work. Be aware " " are compulsory
    You may find here an example of how to set it up

Once you are done

When you are done using an evacuation slide, you can then delete it out of the world with the ?clean [id] command.
You can get the id of the evacuation slide by looking at it.

Terms of Use

  • You may not redistribute or reupload the addon (neither its assets) to any other platforms or websites under any circumstances.
  • Modifying or altering the addon for public distribution is not allowed.
  • Constructive feedback and suggestions are welcome, but please provide well-founded arguments to support your ideas in the comment section.
  • Bugs/help will only be attended at SpanishWorks dedicated channel[]

Change Log

  • V1.1

    · Quality of live improvements

    · Added ?rafts

    · Fixed typo on welcome message

  • V1.2

    · Added type 5 and type 6 lifeRafts (old era, check credits to know the creator of them)

  • V1.3

    · Added evacuation slides for planes

  • V1.4

    · Fixed rafts not spawning near the coordinates of the button | Bug #001
    [DISCLAIMER] This bug fix makes rafts spawn very near the button. Please make sure your buttons are as near as possible to the sea

  • V1.4.2

    · Added type 9 lifeRaft
    · Minor fixes in V1.4.1 and V1.4.2 have been done

  • V1.4.3

    · Evacuation slides should be more bouyant (specially the larger one)
    · Some minor fixes and optimizations

  • V1.4.4

    · Added type 10 life-raft by NeatNaut
    · Removed ?cleanRafts command due to some issues
    · Now there is more space between lifeRafts being spawned due to new dimensions of type 10 lifeRaft

  • V1.4.5
    · Added type 11 life-raft by Killman88
    · QoL improvements
    Originally posted by Kahrstrom & Olsen:

    KO LR-106/A ISO | ISO Liferaft

    Originally posted by Kahrstrom & Olsen:

    KO LR-122/A ISO | Inflatable Liferaft

    Originally posted by Erc_Man06:

    Erc Man for the amazing thumbnail 😀

    Originally posted by MrMereScratch:

    Thanks for providing your old era lifeRafts!

    Originally posted by NeatNaut:

    Thanks for providing type 10 LifeRaft!

    Originally posted by chinazzi:

    SOLAS Aproved Liferaft

    Originally posted by Killman88:

    LifeRaft type 11