雄鹰战士捕获蛮族(Eagle warriors capture barbarians)

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Author: 星夜

Last revision: 18 Jul at 12:15 UTC

File size: 2.52 KB

On Steam Workshop


这个MOD让雄鹰战士有50%的概率捕获蛮族成为建造者(This mod gives Eagle Warriors a 50% chance of capturing Barbarians to become Builders)
A little story about making this mod: One day I played all random random to aztecs, read the skill description, and I had already thought about the early stage of the Eagle Warrior crazy capture of the barbarian as a builder to accelerate the Holy Land, and after the teaching, I believed in the silky rhythm of buying workers, but as a result, there were no workers in a barbarian village for an era, and I found out that I was a clown. I made this MOD after that. This mod gives the Eagle Warrior a 50% chance of capturing the Barbarian to become a Builder (the player is generally stronger than the Barbarian, 50% was chosen for balance)。