Blood, Sweat & Tears

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Author: Stucka_ / Luca

Last revision: 23 Jul at 08:06 UTC

File size: 513.71 KB

On Steam Workshop


This mod adds new additional production methods to the game for basic recource production as well as some minor changes and fixes.

Rural Production buildings now have new additional production methods where production can be increased by the use of additional labourers instead of industrialisation. These are most useful for countries with cheap unskilled labour and no noteworthy industry to speak of. They are better then the base production method but fall massively behind in terms of efficiency of the industrial production methods.

In addition the mod "Unrestricted Slavery" is included so slaves dont just work in rural buildings anymore but can take over the jobs of labourers in all buildings.
All credit for "Unrestricted Slavery" goes to the mod author Ferrous. The mod can be found here:

In addition there are some minor bug fixes:

certain Production methods of Rice Farms took too much fertiliser and is now reduced to what it should have.

The Chainsaw automation of Logging Camps got fixed so it now actually makes sense to take.

Decentralised Countries recieved a small fix so they dont starve to death over the course of the game until colonised but instead have a slight population growth.

If anyone has suggestions in terms of changes, balancing, you name it please leave a comment. I dont want the production methods to be useless but also not strong enough to replace real industrialisation.

If you have suggestions towards name changes of the production methods please also let me know. English isnt my first language and the ones currently used are the best i was able to come up with.